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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla


    I'm going to say...false.
  2. Buddhazilla


  3. Buddhazilla


    I fear no signature. But that avatar... It scares me.
  4. Buddhazilla

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    Too much swag.
  5. Buddhazilla

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    This is normal by Nick Cage standards.
  6. Buddhazilla

    So I'm gonna review a game.

    That was just a taste, a first impressions if you will. I haven't even touched multiplayer and I've only played single-player for about 2 hours.
  7. Buddhazilla

    So I'm gonna review a game.

    My Journalism class has assigned me to write either a profile on a person, an opinion article, or a review of a piece of media. For reviews, my teacher suggested that I go with what mediums I have the most experience with. Obviously, I chose to review a video game. What I've yet to determine is which game to play. Are there any games (that have come out within the last two weeks) that you want to know are like before buying? Post 'em here! I'm probably going to go with something relatively cheap ($20 and below) and with a single-player mode. I only have two weeks to get the review done. I can do games on either Steam or PSN.
  8. Buddhazilla

    So I'm gonna review a game.

    Far Cry 3 is big fun, indeed. Yeah, there's glitches. It's a giant, open-world game. What do you expect? There's so many details and nuances that help make the game incredibly immersive. Player view begins to sway as you climb radio towers. The player character groans whenever skinning an animal for the first few missions. The character shows off his tattoos in-game after you choose a new skill (each skill represents a new design on his arm tattoo). Yet, there's also a lot there that can keep you playing after you've finished the main game, and I haven't even touched multiplayer. There's time trials, hunting challenges, races, score attacks, no-alarm camp raids, no-sighting camp raids. SO MANY THINGS. You guys should totally pick it up if your computer can handle it. If not, then I guess getting it for a console is okay grumble grumble.
  9. Buddhazilla

    So I'm gonna review a game.

    Okay I have the moneys now should I get the special edition for 60 bucks or just get the regular for 50? Special Edition comes with the soundtrack and a shit-ton of extra missions. What the fuck am I even saying of course I should get the special edition.
  10. Buddhazilla

    Rocky Mountain Man Quest 2012

    There should be a prequel where Buddha climbs the mountain and becomes Joe Walsh after planting the very first hooker tree.
  11. Buddhazilla

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    I dunno, it creeps in with Smissmas tf2 items, the rush to get wishlists out and to buy presents, then Christmas happens and it's over. I guess it doesn't get to me because I don't watch TV and I don't go to stores like Wal-Mart or Target often. Especially not Wal-Mart. Eugh. Then 4 days after is MY BIRTHDAY~! :woop:
  12. Buddhazilla

    So I'm gonna review a game.

    I think he's talking about Far Cry 3. Basically you, your two brothers, and 4 of your friends went to some tropical island to be douchey white people when suddenly everyone gets kidnapped to be ransomed back to America for a hefty sum. You and your older brother manage to break out of prison, but your brother dies before you can escape. In a last-ditch effort to get away from the pursuing bad guys, you dive down a waterfall. A dude rescues you, puts some magical tattoos on your arm (which also happens to be what the skill system is based on) and tells you that you're the chosen warrior or something. So you go out, helping the resistance movement liberate the island from the bad guys and also save your friends and younger brother. You can go either stealthy or rambo run n' gun. The skill trees can support either way to play. The cool thing is every different skill adds a different part to your tattoo, which the character takes care to show you which one. For example, if you invest in the shark tree (guns and health buffs) there's going to be a lot of fishy, aquatic stuff on your arm. I actually don't have my hands on the game yet because my allowance is delayed until I can get a class schedule for next term. Though I have to say I'm really going to enjoy this because the game doesn't penalize you for killing people. coughdishonoredcough
  13. Buddhazilla

    So I'm gonna review a game.

    After much deliberation (read: procrastination) I've actually decided to review Far Cry 3, as it really looks worth playing, and it comes out tomorrow on PC. Will the multiplayer be tacked-on? Will the story hold up on its own? Will my computer be able to run the damn game? All will be revealed... In the meantime, I'm gonna go knifey stabby-stab in Dishonored to get in the mood.
  14. Buddhazilla

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I don't care how shitty this looks. Just watch it through to the end.
  15. Buddhazilla

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Excuse me for a moment...
  16. Buddhazilla

    The SPUF Civil War

  17. Buddhazilla

    The SPUF Civil War

    Jesus Christ this guy repeats himself more than the prerecorded messages that play while you're waiting in line at Disneyland rides. Get. Out.
  18. Buddhazilla

    The SPUF Civil War

    OH SHIT.
  19. Buddhazilla

    Goodnight sweet prince...

    Yeah, I played CoH a ton at about the same time the City of Villains expansion was released. Those were the good ol' days. Managed to get one hero (Fire/fire blaster by the name of Phantom Fire) up to level 50, played a bit of Peacebringer, then cut my subscription. I managed to jump back in for a bit while it was free but it was taken down soon after.
  20. Back to reality. There goes gravity. Mooooom's spaghetti.
  21. Buddhazilla


    It's actually playing up the whole Japanese ghost fire spirit thing (edit: Hitodama and youkai) by attaching them to things that normally produce fire. Also Chandelure has a ridiculous Special Attack stat. Have you seen it!?
  22. Buddhazilla


    I've named some of my pokes after you guys. Again. I still don't have a name for the Golurk that I'm going to catch, though. Magnezone - DVDgg (Binary wasn't very fitting since he has 3 eyes and 3 magnets) Growlithe - Expresate Heracross - Bowie Vibrava - Saturday (Alice) Octillery - Dakka (not yet caught) Golurk - I still have room for one more poke, since I'm probably kicking Growlithe out of the team because he's really lagging behind the rest of the team. So if you guys can think of a good poke to fill in the place that Growlithe will leave behind (that's available in Black 2) I'd appreciate it. And again, the Golurk's name is up for grabs.
  23. Buddhazilla

    Hi I'm Splosion.

    Hey. Psst. I'm still not on that list. Not technically talking to you, Huff, but really, DualJay is on the list. I'm not. Also hi. I'm a tf2 server admin and I don't have a developed Internet persona. I'm also terrible at arguing.
  24. Buddhazilla

    So I'm gonna review a game.

    WiiU best game ever. 10/10 and also the devs sucked my dick and gave me a tenner.