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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    This is totally serious business.

  2. FUCKING SHITI TOLD YOU TO CHECK YOUR POWER SUPPLYDID YOU LISTEN!?NOCHECK YOUR COMPUTER BEFORE YOU WRECK YOUR COMPUTERThis overreaction is brought to you by the gracious Don of the nonspecific Mafia.
  3. Buddhazilla


    My black version run is going begrudgingly slow because borderlands 2.
  4. Buddhazilla

    The Dresden Files

    The title itself sounds really f#cking boring but now I'm interested. Hm.
  5. Buddhazilla

    SubSPUF Chess Tournament

    "King Me""It's funny because that's about checkers and not chess"I kind of want to play now.
  6. Buddhazilla

    SubSPUF Chess Tournament

    Sorry, I'm only good at shooting/hitting things until they're dead.
  7. Buddhazilla

    Total War promos

    Gonna name mine "The Lumberjack's Trophy"Recently watched a runthrough of The Path so why not.
  8. Buddhazilla

    Oh god what happened

    So I decided to log into tf2 real quick to check if I got my Total War promos earlier today (they still aren't out) and I realized that the item server was down for me.So I'm like "Whatever." and decided to go onto the spufserver to complain a bit.But the server browser was empty.I can't access servers.I'm so scared. What do.
  9. Buddhazilla

    Oh god what happened

    I restarted steam and everything is hunky-dory again.Except for you know NO PROMOS.I WANT TO RE-DESCRIBE MY FREEDOM STAFF WITH "Made in China" GABEN-DAMNIT
  10. Buddhazilla

    Oh god what happened

    brb replacing sprayAlso, restarting Steam because that's what tf2 suggested when I tried to do quickplay.
  11. Buddhazilla


    Apparently you have to play the games a ways in to get the promos? Darn. Nope, the items just aren't registered in the item server yet. Silly me.
  12. Buddhazilla

    Total War promos

    I just bought all the things. It's just 32 dollars, why the fuck not? FREEDOM STICK STAFF AWAAAAAAY!
  13. Buddhazilla

    Mingy Jongo

    I uh...So apparently some people from the team who worked on Banjo-Tooie are going to do a spiritual successor... and Grant Kirkhope is on board.I dunno about you guys but this may actually be a thing.Or maybe that's what every fiber of my heart is making my brain think.
  14. Buddhazilla

    Mingy Jongo

    Allow me to point out that this is "people from the core team who worked on Banjo-Tooie" and NOT Nuts n' Bolts.Besides, Nuts and Bolts could have been a decent game if they didn't put the Banjo IP in it.
  15. Buddhazilla

    THIS IS OP : Mustaches/Beards

    I sideburns AND goatee. The goatee's still kind of growing in though. but most of the sideburning is hidden behind my still-can't-believe-I-haven't-cut-it-yet-after-more-than-a-year-long hair.
  16. Buddhazilla

    Castle Crashers

    Super Meat Boy port except the control scheme makes no sense whatsoever. You can change it but...eh.
  17. Buddhazilla

    Castle Crashers

    Wow they literally just ported the game with some cruddy keyboard controls slapped on."We recommend playing with a(n xbox) controller!"GG Behemoth.
  18. Buddhazilla

    Verdict on BL2?

    So there's an official Borderlands 2 wiki up (still a work in progress) that is completely unrelated to Borderlands 1's community wiki. Sad.Anyway, I looked around and saw that they've already discovered what bosses drop what legendaries.I guess that gives me a bit more of a goal besides getting to 50 (I'm already level 47 on my Siren).Can't wait to get all those legendary Torgue weapons and make a loadout of them.
  19. Buddhazilla

    Verdict on BL2?

    If it gives you any solace, there's a quest where you release the beasts of the Preserve on the Hyperion engineers.
  20. Buddhazilla

    Verdict on BL2?

    It gets worse.Oh, so much worse.
  21. Buddhazilla

    Verdict on BL2?

    .Officially the best game ever (quest) (right after previous quest) (random drop) (Highlands) (Eridian Blight)Do not look at these if you want to feel the joy of finding these easter eggs yourself.
  22. Buddhazilla

    Torchlight 2

    Shotgun/curse outlander is da bes.
  24. Buddhazilla

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Progressive rock, boyo. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNZru4JG_Uo
  25. Buddhazilla

    Left 4 Dead 2

    dis is gud thing