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Everything posted by Buddhazilla

  1. Buddhazilla

    New subforums, categories, and organization

    I just got a laptop and I want to brag about it in a tech forum.Do it.
  2. Buddhazilla

    Added a new forum theme

    I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT!Also, I'm sticking with dark classic because v2 is absolutely tiny.
  3. Buddhazilla


    Well I guess my dolan incarnate is Yonick.I am completely fine with this.
  4. Buddhazilla

    Added a new forum theme

    Oh wow.This is just plain sexy.Though it would be sexier if all the blue was green.
  5. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    I am kredit to forum
  6. Buddhazilla

    Super SPUF Fighter

    butt beams confirmed for brawlOP weapons confirmed for brawlUP weapons confirmed for brawlYonick Hedgehog confirmed for brawl
  7. One small step for a soul.One giant leap for soulkind.Yeah, RIP.
  8. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    kick the babyNo don't kick the baby.
  9. Buddhazilla

    Super SPUF Fighter

    We really need to create an actual format for this. I can translate my bio to DOTA or Brawl or Street Fighter style without too much work, but an 'official' format would do us good.
  10. Buddhazilla

    Super SPUF Fighter

    Sure let's take a crack at this again. The Don The Don of the subSPUF Mafia. He wields a customized revolver and can call upon the power of sin, in the form of tentacle-ish tendrils. His source of power is in his stomach. He can transform into a dark mass of pure sin when he builds up enough power. Built like the Engineer but maybe a bit pudgier. Wears leather sneakers, dark cargo pants, a holster on his right leg, a hoodie of choice, and owns several hats for customization. He has really long hair, but never ties it into a ponytail. He wears glasses and sports a thin beard. His face is usually obscured because he's a rather shady character (ha!) and the art direction is cool. Also hair. Think fat Jeb with dark hair and no ponytail, with Hazama powers. Resistant to smash and slash attacks, ignores poison and evil attacks, piercing attacks do normal damage, and is weak to existentialism. Heavy weight but not heaviest. Speed and movement are just below average, defenses are above par, but big combo options only open up after a stun or snare. A attacks These work a lot like Ivysaur's whip attacks from Brawl, except more powerful. Standing A combo: A one-two punch, except the second punch is a pistol whip and does more damage. Walking A: Roundhouse kick. Fairly simple. Up A: Tendril lash, huge range. Crouching A: Tendril swipe. Slow but trips on hit. > Smash: Tendril whip from arm. Hits multiple times but doesn't launch very far. ^ Smash: Tendrils stab upward from the Don's back, average launching capabilities. V Smash: The Don stomps the ground and short tendrils spike up from the ground in front and behind him. Works well without charge and launches vertically. Neutral air A: The Don emits a burst of dark energy, pushes opponents away but does minimal damage. Forward air A: The Don does a simple kick forward. Deals decent damage and combos well. Up air A: Basically the same as up-tilt A on the ground, except in the air. Down air A: Ganondorf-style stomp. Simple but devastating. Back air A: Spikes out of his back blah blah blah. Pretty generic. B attacks Involves using the revolver and setting up traps. Neutral B: Sin Trap. The Don sets a trap depending on the next direction pushed. Can be canceled by pressing B again. Only one trap can be active at once, and each trap lingers for 5 seconds before disappearing. Needs to be recharged after use by holding B (also reloads revolver). Sin Trap >: The Don throws a sticky bomb that detonates after 5 seconds. Opponent cannot jump if stuck by the bomb. Sin Trap V: The Don stomps and leaves behind a rune on the ground. If the rune is stepped on by an opponent, they are stunned for 2 seconds. Sin Trap ^: The Don shoots spikes out of his back in a forward arc, which then dig into the next flat surface they hit. Spikes deal moderate damage to any opponent that touches them. > B: Revolver Envy. Powerful, but needs reloading after every 6 shots. Shoots down in the air. Shoots only as fast as you can mash the button, no tricky timing required. ^ B: Tendril Pride. Shoots up writhing tentacles diagonally. Does massive damage at the very tip, and also works as a grapple recover. If used on an opponent while in the air, you pull toward them and jump off their head, resetting your double jump but not your ^B. V B: Tendril Wrath. Fairly simple area charge move. Works just like Ike's Eruption attack except the vertical range is greatly extended. When used in the air, it has an extended downward range. Final Rep Smash The Don transforms into a giant mass of pure sin. Basically Giga Bowser except he can't use B moves. Taunts The Don flips his revolver into the air while saying, "Right between the eyes!" and then catches the revolver in a one-hand aiming position while he tips his hat. The Don lets out a growl/scream while tentacles lash out. Does minimal damage to nearby opponents. The Don cracks his knuckles and says one of various cool lines. Sort of a defensive zoning character. Can keep rushers at bay with traps, then lays down the hurt with stun combos. Tons and tons of air control yet performs poorly when in the air himself. All kicks do more damage in the air and all revolver shots do more damage on the ground. That was a LOT of thinking. This had better be made into a game.
  11. Buddhazilla

    Game Grumps

    Thanks, I have a new avatar now.
  12. Buddhazilla

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    Now you see why I was bitching at everyone at the beginning of the round.
  13. Buddhazilla

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    Well, we did a round. Stamda got the new sniper hat and Skye got a Geisha Boy but that's about it.Also Dark had to leave to eat dinner in the 3rd wave and got kicked for idling, so some random jumped into the server. Luckily he had a voucher so everyone still got full drops, but still, barely anyone got anything useful out of it besides a few scrap.
  14. Buddhazilla

    Normal server?

    Dat soldier.
  15. Buddhazilla


    I fear no genre. But that THING...
  16. Buddhazilla

    Should we get a normal server?

    Oh, oh, I know!We get a mod that enables "Tea Party Mode" that makes you invincible but negates all damage you do.So people can still play but those who just want to chill can have a tea party.
  17. Buddhazilla

    Should we get a normal server?

    The nonsrs server is dying down as it is, even without MvM. It'd be a lot easier to administrate a server that plays like a normal server with a few add-ons, so I'd like to see how the non-srs server would do if it was normal.
  18. Buddhazilla

    fresh from /tv/

    I am what you can consider an oldfag. Browsed 4chan (and mostly /b/, at that) at about the age of 13 and still managed not to be permanently scarred.I see these memes nowadays and I fear for the fate of humanity. Back then, the worst of memes now were just getting their start then. They were GREAT and HILARIOUS. Websites like knowyourmeme and Reddit brought memes to pretty much anywhere outside 4chan, and thus ruined it. Don't even get me started on 9gag. Pretty much anything that can be called a meme now is terribly forced and unimaginably old. Rage comics were just taking off when I stopped browsing.I remember the AIDS factor back then was copypasta, but no amount of self-contained copypasta could surpass the shit that's posted on there now.i am 12 and what is old meme
  19. Buddhazilla

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    You get exactly one random drop for completing a Mann Up mission. I can only assume replaying a Mann Up mission for free does not yield any items unless you use a voucher.What I'm confused about is if you can get multiple Tour prizes from just one Tour, and how you would go about doing that if possible.
  20. Buddhazilla

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    Correction: It is possible to get the new items just by doing a Mann Up mission, but is only vaguely probable if everyone uses a voucher. And yes, vouchers only count for one mission and expire when you complete one. Also, something I found out, you don't have to use a Mann Up ticket to REPLAY Mann Up missions you've already completed. How about that.
  21. Buddhazilla

    Tomorrow we need to Mann Up

    Uh, pretty sure you only get the new stuff if you do SIX of the Mann Up missions. Doing one Mann Up mission would net us just one random drop.
  22. Buddhazilla

    It's here

    You know, as much as I love MvM, I'd really like the old SPUFserver back. I'm fairly certain MvM will absolutely not work on any server that has less than 32 players with the recent patch. (For example, the SPUFserver with 24 players.)
  23. Buddhazilla

    Valve Episode of GT.TV

    Hmm. Seems Gabe got a bit unsettled whenever Half-Life 3 came up.Or maybe he's always like that.GabeN knows.
  24. Buddhazilla

    It's here

    Giant heavy bots are pure evil.
  25. Buddhazilla

    It's here

    Guys, is there anywhere to listen to the new lines without having to use GCFscape? I can't get GCFscape to work. :(