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Posts posted by Buddhazilla

  1. I guess I forgot to mention I was invited to NVIDIA HQ to play Battlefront with a bunch of nerds on some of the best rigs in the world, in the testing and benchmarking lab. That place was insane, man. There were graphics cards from every generation down to the humble 230, and up to the Titan Z, just sitting there on a shelf. There were 2 double-sided rows of rigs, tricked out to varying degrees, laid out like workstations. The best one I saw there had a watercooled CPU and 4 fucking Titans on SLI... but of course the guy who ran the place was using it. Fortunately, I got to play on one of those 4K extra-wide curved monitors. Fucking incredible. I wish we had played a better game but just seeing the place alone was worth it. Maybe when Overwatch is out...

    If any of you have any questions about my experience, I'd be happy to answer to the best of my ability.

  2. I've been using the steam controller mostly for Fallout 4. The keyboard binds are pretty terrible and I can't be buggered to rebind them, and the game's pretty much built for controllers anyway.

    I'm not actually satisfied with the controller on the whole; there's still a lot of issues with it and the controller configuration options. Using the left side of the right thumbpad for edge spin is somehow way harder then using the right side. The left touchpad still just doesn't seem right for some reason, and it tends to be too sensitive as a D-pad if you use touch-only.

  3. My rig's handling it just fine on high settings, even though it seems to be just under minspec. No crashes so far, but there are some weird voice and subtitle bugs popping up.

    All the dialogue options seem to boil down to yes/good (A), no/bad (B), maybe/sarcastic (X), and HUH???/perk check (Y)

    I suppose you have to sacrifice some things when literally everything is voiced. Aside from that the game looks and feels great.

    I also can't help but notice this game was also built to be used with a controller. Once I tweak my steam controller layout enough, I can probably stick with that. Edge rotation messes me the hell up.

  4. Revelations 1 is decent but doesn't really do much for the story. Revelations 2 is really good and actually has revelations, or so I've heard.

    Also, seriously? Not 4? It's universally regarded at the best one, no contest.

  5. ​I honestly don't get the hype for the steam controller. A controller with a trackpad glued on it is the worst way I can think to play any game - a jack of no trades.

    ​I think the trick to making it work is the haptic feedback. I don't know how exactly it works but everyone who's got their hands on it says it works to some extent.

    In the meantime, I got 3 good games (and lost planet 3) from the new humble bundle, but they all play best with a controller... Times like these I really wish I could hibernate.
