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Everything posted by Confusedn't

  1. Confusedn't

    Competitive Discussion

    >yurop in charge of winning, even with 4.2 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Liquid is going to win TI3
  2. Confusedn't

    Competitive Discussion

    I HAVE MADE A MISTAKE LIQUID DID NOT LOSE rapier on gyro confirmed for counter to 4.2 holy shit that ♥♥♥♥ing game USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA >YUROP GLORIOUS MURRICA LAND OF THE FREE MOTHER♥♥♥♥ERS how can one man have such a mustache and be so based
  3. Confusedn't

    Competitive Discussion

    Liquid loses to Mouz in game 3 because they resorted to 4.2 and Ruiner of the Fun Why am I not shocked
  4. Confusedn't

    we media now

    that hair why just why it's like you're trying to ruin her appeal completely
  5. Confusedn't

    What'cha been playing?

    Hitman: Blood Money is really good
  6. Confusedn't

    we media now

    ixmike thread? ixmike thread. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVl_50AZqfKloGYyAjFZWbg4zANbJPcclqBWcouwYTz0amYw3k
  7. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    The sweetest irony a Rubick player can know is hooking Pudge and killing him with it
  8. Confusedn't

    Competitive Discussion

    Holy shit CK has new competition for Wisp's tether-love >Ursa+Wisp >15 minute gg THE HORROR NO ONE IS SAFE "What meta?" -Team Liquid
  9. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I love seeing Weaver picked in comp I bet you guys don't even skitter scatter
  10. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    What makes people build Power Treads on everything, even people who don't need it? First thing that comes to mind is Drow Ranger. She hardly needs the minor attack speed, and the extra chasing ability and damage afforded by Phase Boots fit her much better than treads do. I mean, yeah, tread switching is useful, and I suppose you can compare its usefulness to that of Phase and damage, but still, you should hardly build it every single game. Yet Treads are the most built item on any individual hero (Drow) ever, on a hero who benefits more (in my opinion) from Phases. Am I way off base here? What makes Treads so much better than Phases on her that nine out of ten times that's what people go with?
  11. Confusedn't

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    http://dotabuff.com/matches/132609736 I guess this is what happens when you let a void get a 12 minute battlefury I was sitting on 5k or so gold at the end too
  12. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I actually got a Juggernaut Mega-Kills announcer without noticing
  13. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Only slightly.
  14. Confusedn't

    RIP Humanity.

    What are you even talking about
  15. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    magic sucks
  16. Confusedn't

    Hero Builds

    mite b cool
  17. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    reminder that male anglerfish don't have glowing lures
  18. Confusedn't

    Playstation 4

    daily reminder that this is an actual sony patent
  19. Confusedn't

    Greetings Subspufians!

    You spelled Cactus wrong
  20. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    My problem with PA is that if you like RNG based carries you might as well play CK because CK is good without luck and amazing with it, while PA is good with luck and shit without it And his disabling/chasing is better and he isn't complete shit with low farm
  21. Confusedn't

    Dota2Lounge.com; Gambling and you!

    They used to be good, but lately they've just sucked I don't know what's happening but they actually lost to 3DMAX at one point that's an accomplishment also I KNEW Na'Vi would lose to Mouz but I didn't bet on it because I had already bet on NTH and couldn't watch the game anyway
  22. Confusedn't

    Movie Night 00110101!

    Really? More animated crap? I mean, I like to put on my nostalgia goggles as much as the next guy, but Die Hard is a movie that's great without having to wear them.
  23. Confusedn't

    something depressing

    I never asked for these feels
  24. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    until you learn more about the game, just buy recommended items they're almost always good
  25. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I don't understand all random why play a mode where the game is basically decided before the match starts if you get a bad team comp and the enemy gets a good one you might as well gg and disconnect if you like the random aspect you can just play -sd or play -ap and random