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Everything posted by Confusedn't

  1. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486575006/644CD75DF7E6AC32059397B6FB4107ACF9A72D44/ Final scoreboard. I got almost no denies becaue dual melee lane and high ping, so that's my lame excuse for doing badly. Overall, 0/10, would not play again.
  2. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486570867/C9155A0981079286E0B4EA07A0FC954C4672255A/ Another day, another rax, another lost teamfight. Earthshaker went in a couple of times after teamfights and used Echo Slam and got quite a few kills that way.
  3. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486565359/A4A559CD2003A039DC67258A869C5212930812F4/ Taken right after the enemy Naga used her ulti in the middle of an Enigma ulti.
  4. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486561488/9F94BDCCFDDD8CF68C49F1448D4DD17BEED86048/ This was the scoreboard at the time of the "report nub" callout.
  5. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486556992/5A6E60E098E84BEDE916DC08135F1CBA4F846088/ It was inevitable, although I'm not entirely sure what provoked it. maybe he could sense I wasn't squatting
  6. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486548661/F64FECF34D0345C807FA1072E0059C41867DC223/ One 5-man gank and tower down later, Earthshaker calls GG. I don't think he's gonna actually AFK, though. Seems a bit early, but whatever.
  7. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486544342/6A6D3FCEA437CDEAAAB7700B712EC7F2742E9EC7/ Sure is melee in here.
  8. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706486541176/B4F64DCF89B5FB9F79E763AC9971C5924484C5FA/ I picked first, the Skill Magi. The other team instalocked Drow, as is customary in every pub game ever.
  9. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    It's time to go where no sane man has ever gone before. Russian matchmaking. I shall post my experiences here. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/900984706485814635/2A8814479C092A42DE70215117E1CF8165ED5A43/
  10. Confusedn't

    Who is your favourite hero?

    those two look literally nothing alike
  11. Confusedn't


    I'm literally in shock at how retarded the fan is. seriously what the fuck
  12. Confusedn't

    A perfectly serious and reasonable request

    the webpage looks bad now the spiderman thing was funny but it really is shitting up the simplicity of the banner and making it look stupid
  13. Confusedn't

    Dota Scoreshot thread

    that feel when you win a 70 minute game http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/900984163694000503/4E35CF16A1146A89407A410CF59E06332A509CA2/
  14. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    You know what's the most underrated item in the game? Orb of Venom. It's extremely good on melee heroes with no UAMs, especially heroes like Bounty Hunter.
  15. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    That might be true, but I kinda just like Prophet better and can't into any post-nerf Lycan because his jungle became much harder after they nerfed his wolves.
  16. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Replace that Lycan with a Nature's Prophet and you got a deal
  17. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Faggody memes aside, we need to try this
  18. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Your mistake was assuming the build would make sense.
  19. Confusedn't

    Dota General

  20. Confusedn't

    Katawa Shoujo

  21. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Silencer is literally the worst laning opponent in human history. I feel like a complete dick when I play as him.
  22. Confusedn't

    Suddenly, unsupported graphics card

    Then apparently rotNdude was buttfrustrated for some reason, because he felt the need to delete it and give me an infraction. What a dick. The only one upset by it was him.
  23. Confusedn't

    Suddenly, unsupported graphics card

    I posted a joke about it being a mac and got a 4 point infraction for my trouble. Did you really report my post?
  24. Confusedn't

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    Because MUH FEELINS
  25. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    "Because fuck you I want to steal all the life" -Me as N'aix after getting a Satanic