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Everything posted by Confusedn't

  1. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I am ♥♥♥♥ing terrifying as Pudge when I gank successfully several times early game.
  2. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I remember that one game we played with the really annoying Omniknight. I was Poj, so I started focusing ganks on him whenever possible just to spite him.
  3. Confusedn't


    Hertz being anally anguished? Shocker.
  4. Confusedn't


    Sorry for the late reply, ya ninja'd me earlier.
  5. Confusedn't


    I'll make the adjustment, thanks. Will try this. Yeah, sometimes forget to. Thanks. Will keep in mind. Thanks for the reply.
  6. Confusedn't


    Yay, experienced player critique of my build!
  7. Confusedn't


    My Poj build, ready for critiquing: ITEMS Starting: Gauntlet Clarity x2 Salve Circlet Iron Branch Then farm Bottle and Circlet recipe while I work to get to level 6. Once I have all three, I begin ganking. Then work towards Boots of Travel. Then work towards Hood of Defiance. Then Aghainim's Scepter. Then Force Staff. (thinking I might ought to switch this and Scepter) By then the game's usually over. SKILLS In order of level, starting with 1: Hook Rot Hook Rot Hook Dismember Hook Rot Rot Flesh Heap Dismember FH FH FH Stats Dismember All remaining levels to go Stats because nothing else to skill. Something I could do better?
  8. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Still, I'm not nearly as bad at the game as you'd think I was if you asked Hertz. I just wasn't my hero of choice so I had trouble. You'd think a newbie would be a bad Poj. I think you'd be wrong.
  9. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Me, Binary, and Skye played with Hertz and got wrecked, then he left and we won at 27:00. HMMMMMM http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/937008435203147479/9E47DCE2DD16385EDB45F7EF670999E3F95C1C43/ Granted, when we played with him I was Dazzle and not my beloved Poj, but still.
  10. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    that was bad he was farming at 35:00
  11. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    fucking silencer, stole 80% of my kills
  12. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Just finished a game with Rammite, Hellfire, and two randoms vs humans. Snowballed out of control with Pudge, ended up carrying us to victory. Feelsgoodman
  13. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    NIGGA DID I JUST CATCH YOU HAVIN' FUN http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR95s9MvPPE
  14. Confusedn't

    How 2 DOTER 4 Newbies

    Of course not. What, do you think certain heroes win every time?
  15. Confusedn't

    Legalizing Weed

    Degenerate stoners are going to be degenerate stoners whether weed is legal or not, so why not just legalize it and tax the hell out of it?
  16. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    what i learned from last game: silencer is op i suck at dazzle silencer is op
  17. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    because we're fucking terrible
  18. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    New gamemode is out. Anybody feel like trying it?
  19. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Rammite christened him El Faggoto because he only spoke Spanish i'm actually shocked we won
  20. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    So for what reason exactly would you want to pick for the other team and let them pick for you? You'd end up with no carries or something like that every game.
  21. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Steam down for anyone else?
  22. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Bot match. I think I'm beginning to see your point.
  23. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I played with Hertz in probably my 3rd game ever and he didn't rage at me at all. Maybe he's becoming more tolerant of newbies?