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Everything posted by Confusedn't

  1. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I dunno why everyone left, I was up for one more game, but no one joined. :confused:
  2. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Late reply, but holy shit that's hilarious. TYPICAL AM TEAM FIGHT CONTRIBUTION
  3. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Aw, crap. Gonna be gone for a while, just found out. Be back on probably in an hour or so.
  4. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Anybody feel like playing Dota versus bots?
  5. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Quite useful, thanks.
  6. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    All right boys, tell me how to play Sven most effectively. Builds, shop items, roles.
  7. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Fine. You win. I admit it. Dota is fun.
  8. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Played against and with nothing but bots, hard-level on my team, easy on enemy. Wasn't so bad. now i'm never gonna want to play against real people
  9. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Fine, Guy. I will try ONE more time. If I end up kicking a puppy it's on you.
  10. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    At least you got to try. I crashed within 15 minutes of starting.
  11. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I'll be leaving about 6:30 so we ought to start fairly soon.
  12. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Rammite was gonna show me the ropes but then I had to go for several days so I never did get started on it. So if you guys decide to have some kind of newbie instruction session let me know
  13. Confusedn't


    I noticed that, never gave it too much thought. Glitches happen.
  14. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    Doter is too much trouble too much to learn too hard to learn not worth it
  15. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I cannot. I actually won't be on much, if at all, until Sunday.
  16. Confusedn't

    Prove me wrong

    A=B A+A=A+B 2A=A+B 2A-2B=A+B-2B 2(A-=A+B-2B 2(A-=A-B 2(A-=1(A- 2=1 math is up pls buff (yes i am aware this is easily proven wrong)
  17. Confusedn't


    I've been unboxing crates in the hopes of a supar kewl supar rare all hallow's eve unusual. No such luck.
  18. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I'm off tomorrow because hurricane so I'll have plenty of time then.
  19. Confusedn't

    Dota General

    I reinstalled Doter, was thinking about trying again.
  20. Confusedn't

    why is everybody talking about me

    inb4 weeaboo accusations (found this on google images)
  21. Confusedn't

    I know Ikea Boy's true identity!

    Why is everyone necroing threads?
  22. You're the last man on earth, and the world will end in about 5 minutes and the last of all life will be extinguished. You sit in a comfortable chair, drink of choice in hand, perhaps a cigar in the other, and listen to a song. What is the last song that the last man on earth will ever listen to? yes, i'm aware it's 5:23, you get a 30 second margin for long songs
  23. Confusedn't

    So, you have 5 minutes left.

    But I didn't? Sex is physically impossible with one person. Nothing religious about it. And, frankly, who the hell would listen to that song while spending the last moments of his life jerking off?