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Everything posted by Confusedn't

  1. Confusedn't

    If Atheists ruled the world

    You know, as stupid and wrong as they are, I'm glad that they have the right to speak their mind. If we started banning extreme ways of thinking, where would the line be? Where would be the cutoff where the government can no longer say "You are not allowed to speak of this." be?A wise man once said "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
  2. Confusedn't


    You have to press a single key every time you launch tf2You poor soulHow could they do this to youIt truly is backbreaking workOT I have no idea.
  3. Confusedn't

    If Atheists ruled the world

    KIG YAAARRRRWelcome home.
  4. Confusedn't

    If Atheists ruled the world

    ITT people generalize and insult and generally make themselves look like asses for being unaware that most Christians aren't moronsit's kinda like seeing 4chan and assuming the entire internet is like that
  5. Confusedn't

    SPUF 6s mix - Tuesday 4th September!

    So do you guys want to do another 6s game so I can be in this one? I was at school while you did the last one.
  6. Confusedn't

    Your Favorite Albums

    inb4 inb4 Cactus and RIOT!/AWKIF/BNE
  7. Confusedn't

    The SPUF Civil War

    Take him to SPUFville. There's about even chances he'll die either way, we'd be best off heading to SPUFville so even if he dies it can be among friends instead of strangers.
  8. Confusedn't

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Other stuff?What other stuff?:confused:There are other bands?Nah, just messing. Alright, have it your way.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBEXSiFzOfU
  9. Confusedn't

    SPUF 6s mix - Tuesday 4th September!

    I'm GMT -5 so I'll be available after 9:00 PM GMT.School and whatnot.
  10. Confusedn't

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    To be fair, all of the songs I've posted are completely different styles.In the Mourning is an acoustic sad song.Baby Got Back is offensive novelty rapAirplanes is reflective rap with a singing chorusIgnorance is a modern rock song. <3You always were my favorite
  11. Confusedn't

    The SPUF Civil War

    I've always wanted to be that guy who is utterly confused when someone breaks the fourth wall.<3
  12. Confusedn't

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    In hindsight, I probably should've known this thread would die quickly because it's in the same subforum as Homestuck.Not double posting is for scrubs yes i am going to keep posting in this thread even if it's just me
  13. Confusedn't

    The SPUF Civil War

    Pretty sure Ted is a dude but okay
  14. Confusedn't

    SPUF 6s mix - Tuesday 4th September!

    inb4 Cuttle changes his mind about what class he is
  15. Confusedn't

    SPUF 6s mix - Tuesday 4th September!

    I'll be BLU Medic
  16. Confusedn't

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    The rapping is meh, but god damn Hayley sounds incredible.
  17. >highlander>No Medic slotNo thanks.
  18. Confusedn't

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

  19. Confusedn't

    New subforums, categories, and organization

    This eez cool.I like.
  20. Confusedn't

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    If you were huntin' trouble, lad, ya found it.
  21. Confusedn't

    New subforums, categories, and organization

    I cannot see why current events and politics doesn't fit nicely under the Serious Business section.
  22. Confusedn't

    New subforums, categories, and organization

    Reminds me of when my friend and I would play Nazi Zombies and I'd ask him where he was (on the map) and he'd say "Takin' care of business." I'd then reply that is not a location.My location on my Xbox Live account has been "Takin' care of business" ever since./lolrandomblogpost
  23. Confusedn't

    New subforums, categories, and organization

    All the forums are private last I checked, it doesn't let you view the main forum menu if you're not logged in.
  24. Confusedn't

    New subforums, categories, and organization

    I don't see why not. Both of those things kinda fit under the Serious Business forum, don't they?
  25. I like Medic, but if it's something stupid I'm not sure I want to sign up