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Everything posted by chesse20

  1. chesse20

    Your Game of the Year

    1. that was a very hardcore game 2. http://rm.iajapan.org/ wtf is this that i found by searching yahoo japan. do people in japan have to take a manners test to get a certification to go on the internet like seriously dog
  2. chesse20

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    from what i saw of a review the game doesnt seem that good compared to what i already own and im not paying for a flash game also his other game meat boy doesnt even work
  3. chesse20

    Your Game of the Year

    the only game ive bought the entire year that was made in 2012 is hmmm i dont really know any games that were made this year 2011 and 2012 that count as good firefall is in beta and its an preety good game for shooting things in also i watched gamespots game of the years awards and wanted to seirouly an art game without violence or any gameplay except for walking around and looking at stuff how is that even supposed to be fun heres a quote that explains how i feel about this new trend in video games "maybe my standards of what makes a game a game might be a little skewed or jaded, probaly from playing too many games that are fun" -karnivore89 rolling ranch review
  4. chesse20

    Planetside 2

    Okay heres my review of the game. pros: 1. i managed to play 9 hours of this game unlike the usual 2 hours that it takes me to get bored of a game 2. you can shoot other people in it cons: 1. everything is really hard to drive 2. slow combat 3. its not that fun
  5. chesse20

    Katawa Shoujo

    good book would read agian almost as good as the foundation series by issac asimov and even better than redwall by that one dude
  6. chesse20

    To Buy or Not to Buy?

    http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHA-slBtPYo this video will help you decide
  7. at least it wasnt assians creed revlations worst 50 dollars i ever spent
  8. i didnt know marvel actualy made comics i thought they only made video games now does anyone actualy read them anyways i thought everyone had moved onto japanese mangos (thumbs up if you get the refrence) or webcomics like homestuck or axe cop or rage comics(note rage comics only count as comics if you count 52 pick up as a card game or connect 4 as a competitive sport)
  9. chesse20

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    i hope the unspoken game comes with multiplayer instead of half life 2 that came without any multiplayer
  10. chesse20

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    JUST BOUGHT HALF LIFE tottaly worth it for hte uniuque multiplayer never have i seen snowmen and furrys shooting each other with rocket launchers and machine guns and shotguns at peachs castle from mario land 64 or whatever
  11. chesse20

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    the humble bundle has dungeon defender and i paid full price for it
  12. chesse20

    i have the scariest virus

    now its talking about physotherpay and brain stimulation and holy shit it mentioned a name whats healthly nations http://www.healthination.com/ what type of non profit puts virsues on peoples computers
  13. chesse20

    Suddenly Vibrant In-Text Ads everywhere

    thats even worse than the random voice ads that i get and some of them just talk about medical treatment like yesterday it started talking about metapause for 11 straight ads
  14. chesse20

    when soccer moms invade

    the second addment is only if your making a milta
  15. chesse20

    You're god damn right I mad.

    wtf man its like who even makes shows like this if i wanted to watch something funny i would watch japanese anime not a show about whos the biggest nerd its like when did it become cool 2 be a total scrub 2012 and 2013 will be looked on upon as the years where being a scrub became cool and being a hardcore gamer is super lame and where it was the golden ages of shitty internet memes
  16. chesse20

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    i bought dungeon defenders and so far it seems like a indie game but its actualy good and it doesnt have any unfunny internet memes (so far)
  17. http://store.steampowered.com/app/224540/ i dont see how jagex is indie i mean im preety sure runescape wasnt an indie game but now this one is an indie game so idk so from what i can tell from the video is that the concept has already been done because i already heard of a game like this but ign seems to not heard of that game so so whatever and then jagex wanted to make some money off a game that looked really indie so that people would feel bad for them or think that they are super rad hipsters becasue they bought an indie game but they got tricked because runescape isnt a indie game and jagex isnt a indie dev ( i dont think) so basicly the games concept is building bases and tunneling around and flying around and shooting things im preety sure roblox already did this concept before as well but with higher rez and better base building abilty i guess also its a really good time to buy killing floor because you can get the game and all dlc for cheaper than the game by itself 15 dollars
  18. chesse20


    similar genre it was called scaaf or super cool awesome adventure fun 324 pages
  19. chesse20

    i have the scariest virus

    oh no the virus is back i figured out how it works randomly when i got a page it starts playing audio ads but if i refresh the page the ads stop 1st ad is shingles 2. metapause 3. metapause 4. metapause 5. inveterview with woman that has metapause edit: 11 metapause ads in a row why do i need all this information about metapause im a dude
  20. chesse20


    i once made a forum adventure on mspa forums
  21. chesse20

    i have the scariest virus

    oh no i cant find this malware (mackeeper) on my computer what if its a diffrent malware pretending to be mackeeper because i see no evidence of the virus except for one pop up that claimed to be from mackeeper but i dont have the mackeeper program im super spooked out
  22. chesse20

    i have the scariest virus

    i dont use anti virus its a mac and nobody makes viruses for macs so theres no reason to have anti virus software on a mac oh ♥♥♥♥ i just got a pop up that said it was from mackeeper which is a virus that installs itself and actualy pays people to make good reviews for it edit2: i cant find mackeeper on my pc but i dont know where the popup came from and the tutorial on how to remove it isnt working
  23. chesse20

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    watch this review before buying the game http-~~-//loudhouse.vg/watch.php?id=bindingofisaacreview
  24. chesse20

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    i bought sonic adventures 2 and it wasnt worth the 5 dollars also dont buy binding of issac its made the same guy who made the dead baby dresss up games on newgrounds and he didnt make just one there was 2 sequels to dead baby dressup