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Everything posted by chesse20

  1. chesse20

    Some Piracy Shit In The U.S

    pryos and medic are equaly matched ive fought a few pyros as medic myself with the needler
  2. chesse20

    Some Piracy Shit In The U.S

    thats dumb the goverment obviously hasnt learned about the recent trend in pirates being cool pirate101 pirates of the caribian one peice power rangers pirates look man if u like to sail the seas and play free video games, or attack boats off the coast of somalia you're a pirate (and if u like having gay sex on the ocean ur a butt pirate) ya dog i play pirate101 and i watch one peice and go on cruises because im a pirate(i dont pirate video game because it takes 2 much effort) yarr u know what im saying dudes and dudetts heres a way to get people to actualy want to buy your games maybe you should put a subscription to play your game if you want people to pay for it because you can't commander a monthly subscripiton dumb scurvy dog game devs need to stop selling non subscription based games if they dont want their gaming being taken by pirates
  3. chesse20

    Gratuitous Space Battles.

    so its like a spaceship game man i missed that humble bundle (or pity pack as ive heard it called by hardcore gamers) im sure it couldnt of lived up to the coolness of hammefight (helicopters with swords and hammers and axes and spears n shit fighting other helicopters)
  4. chesse20

    Playstation 4

    that game made me want to fall asleep the music sounds like music you would play when you would want to play when you fall asleep the art looks like a picture book you would read to a kid so they would fall asleep you know maybe i would like braid if it had some hip hop and maybe gangsters and the art style looked kinda like mix of doom and pirate101 and maybe make the puzzles more fun ontopic: but based on what ive heard of the play station 4 braid> ps4 id rather stick with the orginal ps1 or ps2 but my parents threw my playstation away even though i told them it was worth 20 dollars on ebay (wtf) maybe someday ill go to a thrifstore and get me a ps1 or ps2 or nitendo 64 (i barley played the n64 but ive heard good reviews about it)
  5. chesse20

    Playstation 4

    ok so basicly the ps4 will suck even more and not backwards compatable and not being able to sell your used games and the guy who made braid (more like boringaid) is making another game where you get really bored and wish you were playing a diffrent game. ill stick with the alienware auoura with pirate101 and roblox and zdeamon and dungeon defenders and firefall
  6. chesse20


    consles r dying off because pcs have been steadily improving and consles have been steadlily declining in quality
  7. chesse20

    Tribes: Acend

    ok in this post i am going to tell you about hardcore shooter games for pc this game is good if you like jumping around and shooting at really fast moving objects and also like going real fast. if you like quake , firefall, or doom this is the game for you. if you like call of duty wait till next year and you get another call of duty with a few new features for only 60 dollars, if you dont buy it there will be nobody to grind with in multiplayer planetside 2 makes me want to fall alseep zzz boring and slow but you can drive tanks and atvs and planes so if you like atv off road fury for the playstation 2 i reccomend this game warframe is a third person shooter about space aliens shooting fat guys with ugly faces that are space marines. so if you like playing all points bulletin: reloaded you will also like this game all points bulletin: reloaded is a mmo about gangsters in the hood and cops that wear leather jackets with weed on them in a town where martial law is the only law and all the police are allowed to steal cars and only get extremely minor demerits for killing civilians or causing property damage firefall is a game where the borg from star trek and mutant spiders and mamoths and raptors and giant flys from purple radiation have taken over earth and the only part of earth that hasnt been completely taken over by purple radiation is brazil. you can also fight other people for fun
  8. chesse20

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    i played it a bit in middle school but i only bought 1 starter deck that came with a booster pack jace the mindsculptor HOLLA
  9. chesse20

    The quest of the Lost Childhood

    dont forget spyro 1 and crash bandicoot : warped for ps1 i wish my parents didnt make me throw away my ps1
  10. chesse20


    im well known on mspa forums as laserdogbad famous for (sweet bro and hella jeff duel)
  11. chesse20

    Superbowl XLVIII

    wow i never saw that coming
  12. chesse20

    Four for February

    dang im really bad at this i barley ever finish games
  13. chesse20


    i read the homestuck agian and now everyone became high on candy or something and now they are having candy withdrawl and nepeta and feferi die agian my art class has tables that your allowed to draw on and someone drew dave strider so i decied 2 1 up them and draw nepeta and 2 scenes from sb&hj
  14. chesse20

    in which rammite makes fan fiction

    make it so the baskerville hound comes back to life and wants revenge for being killed by sherlock holmes
  15. chesse20


    oh no ubisoft is a terrible company that ruined a awesome franchise (petz) rip dawn of war
  16. chesse20

    Kerbal Space Program

    my brother plays it and we usually have the complete opposite taste in video games so i would probaly hate this game
  17. chesse20

    What a cool ad... Eww, not this thing again.

    also a show i forgot was ReBoot and more ontopic is that if i was thinking of the 90's and web browsers i think more of opening a ceral box and finding a backyard sports game with a free aol free trial on it i never used internet exploerer on my windows 98
  18. chesse20

    What a cool ad... Eww, not this thing again.

    i like the 90's because there was so many good tv shows: mighthy morphin power rangers x files farscape star trek the next generation and there was some good video games: Playstation 1 DOOM spryo the dragon crash bandicoot warped
  19. chesse20


    i stoped playing minecraft as much as i did at one point in time but then i watched this video and then i realized why i stoped liking this game and stoped playing it and let my bro give my minecon cape equiped character to his freind in his "hardcore" apb clan
  20. chesse20

    Turntable FM

    use a proxy
  21. chesse20


    you can shoot tornados you can play pvp the printing gear has more than just +3% on it you can repair thumpers you can meld thumper you can fight towers with choosen in them also the xp boosts dont even do anything significant and dont ruin the gameplay
  22. chesse20

    What'cha been playing?

    deus ex deus ex: human revlution pirate101 roblox
  23. chesse20


    email me if you want one of my 4 invites me in fire fall
  24. ok here are the reasons you should not buy this game 1. combat is third person cover based shooting system that doesnt feel like deus ex 2. for some reason they hired final fantasay and kingdom hearts to make deus ex but they should be making a new final fantasay and kingdom hearts and not a game about shooting things that like telling maxis or kingsisle(makers of wizard101) and telling them to make the newest call of duty 3.cutscenes dont work as good as they did in deus ex 4. you dont play as jc denton 5. killing people gives you a bad ending but not killing people gives a good ending good parts about the game 1.its still partialy made by edios 2.it contains a funny refrence to a famous book by ray bradfield (spoiler 0451 is the code to open the first door dont tell anyone) get it 451 = a book he wrote 3. i think that if you preordered it you got a free glasses for tf2 which is really usefull for pretending to be jc denton
  25. chesse20

    deus ex human revlution review by Chesse20

    ok i figured out why i didnt like the game at first i didnt know that if you use the middle click button that you could ironsight instead of using of using right click to become tom clancy good game