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Everything posted by tam

  1. tam


    lemon meringue master race
  2. tam

    Which Strange Festives should I get?

    Whichever you want however i think the kind of dosh required to get a Strange Festive weapon is mind-blowing and ridiculous
  3. tam

    Best Ponies.

    Spongebob Squarepants: Patrick Star Pokemon: Brock Disney: Kronk Family Guy: Joe Swanson Horse: Derpy Mario: Yoshi Sonic: Dr. Robotnik Reality TV: Murr (Impractical Jokers)
  4. tam

    Cuttle's Sniper Guide

  5. tam


  6. The Adventures of Admats: The Ninja Businessman
  7. i call the larynx, the duodenum and the trachea
  8. you win just you win take my uncraftable Human Cannonball, you wonderful man
  9. These are what I'd spend a spare $50 on
  10. tam

    Stamda's art dump

    Diamond -> Cubic Zirconia -> Emerald -> Tungsten -> Steel -> Marble -> Granate -> Cement -> Plastic -> Wood -> Rubber -> Soap -> Cheese -> Whipped Cream -> Cotton Candy -> Fog?
  11. tam

    Stamda's art dump

    soapknife cut from a knife my dad confiscated from a drug dealer when he was a state police officer thank cactus for the inspiration, howevermuch i couldn't carve another soapknife using the soapknife
  12. tam

    Dota General

    Cactus got me to try Dota 2 for the first time last night. I was incredibly reluctant and anxious going into it, but I found it quite easy to grasp, actually. We did a private lobby, him and I with 3 bots against 5 easy bots and he taught me the ropes. He said I did incredibly well for a first-timer, too. I'm very glad I understand the game better, but I feel it's not the game for me.
  13. tam


    should i punch 1 baby 100 times or 100 babies 1 time each
  14. tam


    Now I know what you're thinking which is true, it is And that's why this thread exists. Any of you guys ever played Neopets? Any of you still play it, by chance? I had my account closed over two years ago, but the 5 years I've spent playing it was the first step of my Internetdom, starting in early 2005, when I was 9. My best pet was a starry Bori, joey_jr_11. I remember hating that god-damned game where you had to thread an electric wire through a small hoop, otherwise it'd sound a loud-as-hell buzzer and you'd lose a life.
  15. tam


    Shoyru was the most abundant and the most popular pick of all of the Neopets Bori was fairly obscure >
  16. tam

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations

    I would like an avatar :imadummy:
  17. tam

    share your worst jokes

    What charity organization handles donations to displaced bakeries?
  18. tam

    Stamda's art dump

    2 hours, paid commission Gonna be getting 4 keys.
  19. tam

    Wreck-it Ralph

    Pop-it Paul
  20. tam

    Wreck-it Ralph

    Jesus ♥♥♥♥ing CHRIST, what a fantastic movie. If you have not yet seen the movie, do NOT highlight the spoilers. Seriously, DON'T.