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Everything posted by tam

  1. tam

    Will draw for useless objects in TF2.

    Three of my nipples for a drawing of a butler with an onion for a head
  2. tam

    The (Sub) SPUF Game Nights

    I could play dota if I gave at least one tenth of a half of a fuck about it at all
  3. tam

    The Olympics

    Don't give ALL the damns!
  4. tam

    Username Movie Game

    Stammerson P Quakemarble - Action/Adventure, Drama, Thriller From humble beginnings to filthy riches, Mr. Quakemarble lived the life of dreams until one fateful day when his estate is carpet bombed and the world thinks he perished during the attack. Now, with the world absent of his presence, he vows to enact vengeance on his perpetrators, no matter the cost and no matter the offender.
  5. tam


    index=3&feature=plpp_video go nuts :twilightsmile:
  6. tam

    Happy 'MERICA day everyone.

    As a whole:AmericanWhen applied to continents:North AmericanSouth AmericanApplied to the USA:AmericanApplied to any other country:[Country]-an, -ianApplied to a specific state:[state]-an, -ian, Michigander
  7. tam

    I made some cards...

  8. tam

    How The Mighty Have Fallen

    I'll be honest I can tolerate MAD because all of the references I get make me feel smart But AN ANNOYING FUCKING ORANGE TV SHOW ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
  9. I have amended that Seriously though, Mythbusters is the best damn show that Discovery airs and probably the best show in all of modern television besides a certain cartoon about horses Water heater rockets Creamer explosions Ballistic manhole covers Spinning a playground spinning thing with shotguns Whether or not running into a flying insect with your neck while on a motorcycle will kill you If it really isn't a good idea to bring a knife to a gun fight Seriously Talk about the show here Jamie is best Mythbuster
  10. I'm gonna have to use twilightsmile as my gimmick to rival yours:twilightsmile:
  11. tam


    SoI heard this webcomic is violently, mindfuckingly confusing as all of holy HellThat makes me not want to start
  12. It gets better. The announcer gets more enthusiastic (in a very good way) and there eventually gets up to 5 hosts: The main two, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, and the Build Team, composed of Tori Beleci, Grant Imahara and Kari Byron.
  13. tam


    HOOVY STORY OF EXCITEHeavpy wepons man was in dustybowl eating sandwiches spy came up to Heovy and said "I WILL BACKSTAB YOUR" and went to go backstab teh HeavyHeavy was got scares and fires sevendy trillion bulots at teh spi the Spy died"MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC" said the Hoovy"heavy" said medic who heals Heavy very fatsly to bild uber "im full charge""ACTSCHIVAET THE CARGE" excited the Heavy and then they blowed teh enemez to smitheroonshHOover the enemy pyro siad"no" and areblusted the hebby and medk to away and the heavy sadded"I cannot advance any further towards the vicinity we have been required to breach, and henceforth I will mourn the loss of our corporation until the end of time itself."the smart mashine sopped working and the haevy punch the pyro in the testiculars and ran onto the pont"WE ONE THE GAY" happyed the heavy manMecid was hape to but he deid of something the end
  14. tam

    I need a new show to watch

    Mythbusters has none of your requirements but fuck the rules it's Mythbusters
  15. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6beNl1qCI0&list=FLUwrpLnJ7JZh7Ne4InqGgJA&index=2&feature=plpp_video Alternatively, you could inject pure glucose into your bloodstream. Whichever is more tolerable. hertz
  16. Don't break your pants