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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Splosion's Girlfriend

    waaaaiiiit a second...
  2. Simon

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm through episode 6 and loving every minute. I nicknamed the five tank teams for the main cast. Team Protagonist Team Generic Team Sports Team Student Council Team AWESOME. Guess which team she's on. also the last scene of the first episode actually made me jaw-drop. Just holy crap.
  3. Simon

    TF2 general

    That wiki page is just cruel.
  4. Moses as the spellcaster.
  5. Simon

    TF2 general

    50 refined 3 refined for a straight craft 48 refined makes 16 crafts without any rebuilding, 2 refined left over 1.33 refined for craft hats 50/1.33 = about 37 craft hats 37/2 = 18 crafts and one remainder so you save about 2-3 hats worth
  6. Simon

    your worst game ever made?

    Worst thing ever... probably Superman 64 or something Worst game I've played personally? This might sound odd, but Assassin's Creed III. It forgot that it was supposed to be a free-roaming stealth assassination game and became Homestead Manager 1778.
  7. Simon

    Anime General Discussion

    So i've discovered Girls Und Panzer. Two episodes in and I'm enthralled. I'm actually writing my reactions in Word as I watch it, which is surprisingly fun to do when watching something for the first time. Edit: Through four episodes (of 12). I love this so much.
  8. :headsplosion: it is when you're fictional
  9. Simon


    Serene Grace is the most evil ability in the game. I'll just quote Smogon regarding Shaymin-s: "That's right folks, we just made history. Smogon just had its first unanimous vote ever! I would like to take this time to thank Shaymin-S for being so annoying that literally every voter wanted to ban its ass."
  10. Simon


    oh my god.
  11. This thread is about a game that has only one of the things in the title (Hint: Robots). And it is amazing. Proof: There's a power-up in the last stages called Orbital Friendship Cannon. You deploy it wherever, and a RAINBOW Death Star blast comes from the sky and kills anything within ten feet of where you deployed it. Slightly more proof: First-person bullet hell what more do you want
  12. Any trade trying to get more than 4 refined (or the equivalent thereof) for an ordinary Fez, please post the following link: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Familiar_Fez#Blueprint
  13. Simon

    boolet hell games

  14. needs buds and to be on fire and by that i mean i want to light spongebob on fire stopped being funny a decade ago
  15. Simon

    TF2 general

    People are trying to sell fezzes for more than they can be crafted for. We've hit the Idiocy Singularity.
  16. Simon

    Custom Title Initiative

    Can I be "The Digger" please?
  17. Simon


    Once X and Y roll around I'm probably gonna do the following challenge: Cannot flee from wild battles, ever. Can only capture or KO.
  18. Simon


    hm... Never use tms and only have an hm move on 1 member of the party each never use healing items in battle AND have the "set" battle style instead of "shift"
  19. Simon

    What's good at PAX East

    I just played this for about 2 hours. Holy damn. This is insanely well done... and insanely agonizing due to a TIMER.
  20. Simon


    The anime director hired Michael Bay to do storyboards for fight scenes.
  21. Simon

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Very. Revive > Sundering Growth > kill an Oblivion Ring or something of theirs > get another token Revive 2 > rinse and repeat Or in a Golgari (green-black, focuses on graveyard effects)... whoo boy. Revive and such is a fantastic card.
  22. Simon

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Woo! Submitted my first actually owned deck to tappedout.net! http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/simons-selesnya-swarm/ I'll put my Izzet and Golgari decks later, then Rakdos once I get back to school and look through it again.
  23. Simon

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    combine with stuffy doll