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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    Good evening.

    Wouldn't a transvestite count as double?
  2. Simon

    Help me name my Rocket Launcher.

    Locket Rauncher Stocket Launcher
  3. Simon

    So, you have 5 minutes left.

  4. So I just got a USB headset for my Mac, hooked it up... and now I can hear everything the mic hears through the headphones. Ideas?
  5. Generally. Edit: It also has this problem on my Windows partition.
  6. Simon


    So I think I somehow broke the AI last night. I'm on the first actual target. I set his drink to poison, then I sleep dart him right after he drinks. I slip outside, wait for the guards to leave. A couple minutes later, I walk back in. The guards are hacking the dining table to death. Wat.
  7. Simon

    Brace yourselves, halloween update confirmed!

    That's a resounding no.
  8. Simon

    Brace yourselves, halloween update confirmed!

    http://www.teamfortress.com/doommates/ what the balls
  9. Simon

    Brace yourselves, halloween update confirmed!

    what the fuck
  10. For the longest time, my social life sucked. I had very few friends, and was the unpopular ignored kid with a temper in school. A huge temper. Gaming on consoles and handhelds became my escape, my way of relieving temper. Then in 2010, I got a good computer for the first time, went to college, and got TF2 (and a bunch of others). Come the last month. I've joined an HL team as a Soldier. In the one match and three scrims I've been with them, I have SUCKED. Every time, I psych myself out, play horrifically bad, and rage because of it. When I rage, I get worse, leading to a cycle of bad playing. This culminated in a scrim that ended about five minutes ago. My rage-bad-rage cycle got so bad that I literally destroyed a pair of $20 headphones in rage. I honestly feel like TF2 has become a chore, a bad habit that's no longer fun. What the hell am I supposed to do about it, considering the team still needs me?
  11. ^ I really need to start saving for a Kringle.
  12. So I just talked to my team's leader, told him of the predicament. He said they may need me for tomorrow's match (I'm a backup), but after that I'm free to take a few weeks off, and he'll search for another backup in the meantime. If I'm on Steam, chances are I'm just there for conversations and/or casual games. Speaking of, any recommends for casual games other than PVZ/Peggle? edit: I just checked Dota on Steam. Apparently I DO own dota, but it's not in my visible inventory. The hell?
  13. Simon

    So, what the fuck.

    Actually, I've heard that sometimes after a traumatic event, the body forces itself to laugh in order to restore hormone balance. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/happiness-in-world/201101/why-we-laugh In any case, grief can take a while to really hit. You may not have emotionally processed it yet. Mentally and rationally you have, but emotions can take a while. Many, many condolences, and if it were possible, I'd give you a hug.
  14. Simon


    The world tournament in BW2 is actually fairly challenging. I'm impressed that Game Freak actually figured out some competitive strategies.
  15. Simon

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    From Gurren Lagann movie 2. Yet another example of creators having way too much fun naming soundtracks.
  16. Simon

    The Doomsday Thread

    That is the greatest sig I've ever seen. Hugh is freaking awesome.
  17. Simon


    Two things: One, need a male Cacnea/Cacturne so I can breed a Ferroseed with Spikes. Put friend code here. Two, I need some team-building advice. I've got 4/6 slots figured out, need ideas for the last two. Current team: Gliscor (toxic-taunt-protect-earthquake) Jellicent (will o wisp-surf-taunt-recover) Ferrothorn (spikes-stealth rock-power whip*-gyro ball) (Might be replaceable with Forretress, not sure yet) Arcanine (overheat-extremespeed*-reversal-snarl) *replaceable move if I can find a better one) Ideas?
  18. Simon

    What is the First Game You Played?

    insert shako joke here
  19. Simon

    What is the First Game You Played?

    I'm gonna go by console and chronological order for extra fun: Nintendo: Mario Bros. (first ever) Playstation 1: Triple Play 98 Game Boy Color: Pokemon Silver PS2: Madden 2002 (/sportsgeek) Game Boy Advance: Pokemon Emerald DS: Pokemon Pearl PC: Portal
  20. Simon

    Amanda Todd

  21. Simon

    Amanda Todd

    "Everyone but SubSPUF, my seven IRL friends, a few good chefs and hot maids, and Valve workers: Simultaneous Heart Attack on 12-21-2012"
  22. Simon


    So I'm just about to head to Victory Road, and need a last series of names for luck: Vaporeon, Bisharp and Gliscor. Kinda tempted by "Bosscor" for the last one, considering his performance against a recent That One Boss.
  23. Simon


    I don't, but the name sounded cool. I really want to name a Psychic-type Rincewind though.