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Everything posted by Simon

  1. So remember that nightmare job thing from November? for context Well, even though I worked for them for a week, and they promised to pay for the training, they never paid. After I tried calling them about a dozen times, my dad tried, and they said "check's in the mail" ... a week ago. So we called back the other day and they asked us to come in to talk today. Just now we called them to confirm and got voicemail. Absolutely do not take jobs with sketchy sales/marketing companies. Ever. Edit: So they just called back, saying "we'll have the check by next Friday." Yeah, no, we're coming over to pick it up or we're going small claims court on them. (If I don't post by tonight, they probably stabbed us when we walked in.) edit 2: They say they'll direct deposit it by Monday. So I'm keeping a skeptical eye on my account. Also, the guy prepared for the meeting by putting a gigantic stack of envelopes on his desk and saying they were all checks that had been returned to sender. What a slimeball.

  3. Johnny Manziel, NFL quarterback, went to a Vegas nightclub in a blond wig and fake mustache and introduced himself as Billy. To followers of football it's the funniest shit ever because the Manziel chaos train has no brakes. Also, it's 18 fahrenheit out and I have to have a window open because the heater in my room decided "fuck you I'm going full blast."
  4. Simon

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Underworld is the exact spot where I gave up on a critical mode run :| In DDD, I got stuck on Riku's (semi-)final boss who is one of the toughest bosses in the series. What I ended up doing was level grinding like a madman to get the EXP Walker ability (as it sounds, get EXP from just moving around) from one of the spirits, then tape down the analog pad so he'd run in a circle overnight. It took me from level 40 to level 57, and it still took me four more tries. Ugh. Then again, DDD is going to look incredible on the PS4 remix when that comes out. I'll probably just power through that one on Beginner just for the pretty factor.
  5. Simon

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    After approximately two dozen attempts, I beat the final boss of Kingdom Hearts 3D on Critical Mode. Never. Fucking. Again.
  6. This is unbelievable. Holy shit.
  7. Two more days of bookstore work, then it's on to finding other employment. Oh boy, I'm so excited.
  9. There's a store in my county called BJs, it's basically a differently named Costco. I promise you this is an unaltered photo.
  10. So Barnes and Noble sells adult coloring books now. And people buy them. A lot of people buy them. What the fuck?
  11. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/3yujev/offseason_alltime_greatest_team_made_up_of
  12. Johnny Manziel expresses his opinion of the Microsoft Surface.
  13. Simon

    2015 Retrospective

    Went to Israel, graduated college, had one shitty job and two good seasonal jobs, saw the Mets go to the World Series. 9/10.
  14. The Patriots Jets'd themselves out of a win and the Jets have a good chance of making the playoffs. What is this?
  15. Simon

    Star Wars Thread

    So some of my thoughts:
  16. Simon

    Star Wars Thread

    There's exactly one scene I didn't like in the whole movie. ...shit, how do I spoiler posts?
  17. Simon

    Star Wars Thread

    I just got out of the theater holy balls that was great
  18. I got being Jewish for Christmas.
  19. merry christmas, ya buncha degenerates!