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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Simon

    TF2 general

    Pretty sure that's been there.
  2. Simon

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Look at the points on the summer adventure thing and tell me that's not rigged. I mean I'm on the winning team right now, but come on.
  3. Simon

    PETA Claims Milk Causes Autism

    Jesus tapdancing Christ.
  4. Simon

    TF2 general

    I understand the original reload was a bit quick but yeah they really threw it out of there man it's funny how most of the problems people have with the UP scout unlocks are reload times The original reload time made it nigh-broken.
  5. Simon

    TF2 general

    I feel like the wheel should have less/no resistances. As it stands there's basically no reason to use the Screen.
  6. Simon

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Stanley Parable get and that's it for me.
  7. Simon

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I entirely agree with raz on the movie. That said it was still really cool.
  8. Simon

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Dragon Quest 8
  9. I just flinch-cringed so hard I fell out of my chair.
  10. Simon


    And suddenly Clefable becomes even more popular as one of the very few ways to counter something like that.
  11. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Or Zatoichi. Now you have a Demoknight with the mobility of an F1 that gets full health AND full charge on a kill.
  12. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    I hate the damn wheel. Get this ubermobility piece of $#@% out of my face.
  13. Simon

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    team pink
  14. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    I've been calling the Back Scatter the Scatterback. It's just easier to say.
  15. Simon

    Anime General Discussion

    So a thing I found out about the DBZ Cooler 2 movie that's really, really weird: The movie came out in Japan March 7, 1992, and in it Dende's on Earth and they're on New Namek. The manga chapter in which New Namek is first seen and Dende agrees to return to Earth? October 19, 1992. So that's less of a plot hole and more of a hole in space and time itself.
  16. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Thankfully, that's not the most common argument. What is? I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, I just haven't been able to find a coherent, commonly used argument. (Admittedly, I haven't really looked at spuf because, well, spuf)
  17. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Here's my (probably somewhat fallacious) thought: if the most common argument against a change is basically "well, this is how it's been for X years" then it's probably a good change. [/soapbox]
  18. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    On a balance level I don't mind the sticky change. On an intangible level I do. I can't really put it into words.
  19. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    mom, dad, please stop fighting On another note, the Air Strike is a brilliant sentry killer. 1: get a kill or two for the extra clip size 2: take to the sky out of the sentry range 3; Unleash danmaku.
  20. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    So on a non-vitriolic note, this is also a thing now.
  21. Simon

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)
