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Everything posted by Tabureto™

  1. Tabureto™

    We totally need to enter this pan thing

    Pan me in! I think I can pan up enough time for a tournament!(Darn, my puns are bad )
  2. Tabureto™

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    If i had to pick one word to describe my childhood, it would be 'Bionicle'. I was literally obsessed with them for over 4 years and had almost every single one of that timespan. (2001-2005)I even fell into an nostalgia spree in 2010, when i heard, that the story was about to end. I tried to catch up with the story and bumped into those countless official backround stories and I have to admit, they are pretty darn interresting. 100% worth reading.Oh and before I forget: Bohroks, Rakshis and Visorak were the best ones :woop:
  3. Tabureto™

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I'll just go and wash my eyes with mud or something.
  4. Tabureto™

    This Forum Is Terrible

    Who is that guy?
  5. Tabureto™

    MGO going offline.

    WHY?I used to play it a lot. I even bought all expansion packs.
  6. Tabureto™

    Second Annual Saxxy Award Submission!?

    Are you still looking for people? I'd like to join :3
  7. Tabureto™

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    First of all, I'm pretty uncreative :/My SPUF-name: rainbow dash™: I found SPUF a few weeks after watching MLP the first time. And like many other new Bronies, i really liked Rainbow Dash and I've been putting ™ after every single one of my names for ages now. The rest is self-explanatory. Tabureto™: Random word + random language on google translator + ™ My Steam Name: Solid Twily™: I changed my name to Solid Sparkle™ after S02e20 of MLP, because i'm a huge MGS fan and loved that episode. But the fact, that there were 4 other people with the same name was bugging me until the season finale. After that, i changed my name to Solid Twily™.And sorry for some grammatical errors. My english isn't working, when i'm tired.
  8. My (still a bit small) Alien Swarm Parasite collection. I love them more than every single unusual, i've ever had.My Fruit Shoot. I kinda like that hat :3And my ~insert current unusual here~.
  9. Tabureto™

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    Just watched episode 2 and HOLY ♥♥♥♥. That show is a damn amazing piece of animation. :pinkiegasm:First MLP, then this. I'm gaining some faith in the modern cartoon industries again .
  10. Tabureto™

    Portal 2 DLC 2

    Oh god.
  11. Tabureto™

    Well, errr, that's weird

    One expired for bumping and 4 + an expired timout for trollbaiting :troll:
  12. Tabureto™

    Terrible Hat Liked By Terrible People

    Better than the original one, but still just "ewwww"
  13. Tabureto™

    Well, errr, that's weird

    I wanted to do that, when I got my Timeout. But my lack of money ruined my brilliant plan.Well, things for my To-Do list for better times..
  14. Tabureto™

    Favourite class, and why?

    I change my main class almost every week, but my most played class is the Spy by far. I simply love the Spies unique gameplay.
  15. Tabureto™

    Bronies-A Rebuttal

    That's the most fitting quote, i've ever seen.
  16. Tabureto™

    Hulu/SPUF Poll: Best show of 2012

    I voted for Psych, because it's the only show i've watched of the listed ones. (And I loved its theme song)
  17. Tabureto™

    Steam Workshop Thread

    Pink Buds? DO. WANT.
  18. Tabureto™

    Final Combat

    Yeah, sounds reasonable.Anyway, is steam in china avaible?
  19. Tabureto™

    [Blog] So my dad played TF2 today.....

    So true...My dad doesn't even know how to watch videos on youtube.
  20. Tabureto™

    Aren't EA just the best!

    Same here.I don't need Battlefield anymore. TF2 is just much better.
  21. Tabureto™


  22. Tabureto™

    Steam Trading Hacking?

    Well, looks like trading is safe again.
  23. Tabureto™


    Maybe just a ton of new hats again. (and a 3rd misc slot)
  24. Tabureto™

    What are you know for?

    I'm known for...uhm...uhm....for the most obvious brony name on regular SPUF?