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The Last Templar

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Everything posted by The Last Templar

  1. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    agreed but the game just doesn't interest me, so I'm gonna force myself to be patient until the promos become craftable/purchasable in the meantime I can enjoy my scout shoes that no one will look at yay
  2. The Last Templar

    something depressing

    But if you believe there is no free will... then why should you judge anyone else's decision which actually isn't their own decision? :thought:
  3. The Last Templar

    something depressing

  4. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/8723765 ahahahaha EDIT: aw crap he changed it :S his original buyout was 83 keys
  5. The Last Templar

    The Return

    oh hey commander i was totally loyal to you the whole time and never swore allegiance to no binary no siree
  6. The Last Templar

    You can't get a Tux?

    Isn't this the one made by GWK? I hear it changes your steam username and stuff.
  7. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    looks neat! i'm not gonna be pre-ordering the game, but I'm definitely gonna trade/buy those after the game's out
  8. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    dem pings
  9. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    it lasts until March 1, no need to panic
  10. The Last Templar

    Happy valentines day subspuf.

    we should write valentines roses are red violets are blue hi i'm gabe newell and welcome to team fortress 2
  11. The Last Templar

    Happy valentines day subspuf.

    i brought flowers
  12. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    I'm tempted to buy it just for the soundtrack
  13. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    Meh, I'll wait for hoovy/medic/soldier
  14. True, but I have to believe that there is some intention of making these games less desirable, because there's already a bloody obvious rating system in place. I don't see how they think a "propaganda" campaign will be more successful for this than for say cigarettes which many people still smoke despite the health warnings and taxes on them.
  15. have taxes ever "educated" anyone? to me they're just an annoyance...
  16. The Last Templar

    TF2 general

    i got a 1337pr0 180 airshot on hydro the other day but it was on randomizer so nobody cared
  17. The Last Templar

    New to subSPUF

    belated welcome post
  18. The Last Templar

    Heart Transplant Simulator

    I couldn't even pick anything up properly. 10/10.
  19. The Last Templar

    I'll take 60

    no this website fails at doing things for me
  20. The Last Templar

    I'll take 60

    but everyone loves spatulas
  21. The Last Templar


    I'm in, game looks pretty cool.
  22. I nominate UHF (weird al's movie) or The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension
  23. The Last Templar


    but creepers so scawy :worried:
  24. The Last Templar

    The Cave

    So... coulda sworn this game was supposed to be released today but apparently the release date got bumped up, I was able to start playing last night. Seems pretty cool so far... the gameplay kinda reminds me of the Trine series in co-op mode, but in this case the puzzles require the player to use all three characters and their special abilities to progress. Haven't run into any super-complex puzzles yet, but I'm still relatively early on in the game. It does appear that there are multiple ways to play through each level, which is great. Also loving the artstyle, the humor is great (and kinda dark too, which isn't a bad thing). Another cool thing is that the levels apparently change completely depending on which characters the player picks at the start. I'll have to go back after this playthrough to see what changes occur with other characters. I will say that the controls are somewhat frustrating at times - I've had them glitch out completely twice so far, and had to quit out of the game and run it again. Also the pushing and pulling mechanic seems to be messed up occasionally, my character would only push an item in one direction no matter what direction key I pressed. All in all though, I'd say it's a pretty good game and it's living up to my expectations so far. :)