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The Last Templar

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Everything posted by The Last Templar

  1. The Last Templar

    Decals and stuff.

    http://tf2b.com/tf2/item/buckaroo_banzai/618569470 I still need to add an appropriate description tag...
  2. The Last Templar

    Turns Out There Are Sandy Hook "Truthers"

    That's seriously pathetic. I don't know if these people have completely deluded themselves or just enjoy making others miserable to get attention, but either way it's just sad.
  3. The Last Templar


    So many cool new heroes out, and all I know how to play is Lonestar :gclap:
  4. if violent games cause violence, then why doesn't farmville cause people to become farmers?
  5. The Last Templar

    Totally Not A Scammer

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry...
  6. Wouldn't it take a lot of effort to accidentally buy a 50 euro ticket though, since the minimum price is always listed first? I find it hard to believe that the purchase was intentional.
  7. The Last Templar

    Stock the fuck up on the first 9 hats

    well crap, I've had 3 of these hats as unusuals in the past hindsight is 20:20 i guess
  8. The Last Templar

    Sweet Jesus Titty Cinnamon They Fixed the Tomislav

    Uh... yay I guess? I don't even use the Tomislav now that they ruined Tomigruvich.
  9. The Last Templar

    Yer 1007

    Bought: Don't Starve, FTL, Civ IV, Bit Trip Runner 2 preorder Got Snapshot from a random person I had traded with Don't Starve is an amazing game btw.
  10. The Last Templar

    I don't even

    so I watched it a few times, and I figured out he's not the real engineer. oh well.
  11. The Last Templar

    Best SPUD Post Ever?

    the world may never know, because it's apparently been deleted
  12. The Last Templar

    Best SPUD Post Ever?

    http://steamcommunity.com/app/440/discussions/0/846941710220472317/ If not, it has to be a very serious contender
  13. The Last Templar

    Black Mesa: Source has FINALLY been given a release date.

    It's out on the 14th actually, even better :)
  14. The Last Templar

    LOL @ Get Wrecked Kid

    (blogpost incoming)So I just started TF2 and clicked the Quickplay button a few minutes ago, and when the loading screen popped up I was greeted with the message "You have been banned from this server." Not recalling any behavior that would lead to me getting banned on any servers, I checked the IP and found that the server belonged to the group called "Get Wrecked Kid." I had played on their server previously and not had a good experience, so I didn't really care about the ban. But I was interested in figuring out why I was banned in the first place. Checking sourcebans revealed I had been banned on July 27 by one of their mods for no reason other than "scrub." Turns out, that was the same day I had made a negative post about their server on the main forums. Quality community right there folks. :rolleyes:
  15. The Last Templar


  16. The Last Templar


    Haha, I love how none of my amazing redstone wiring actually worked. :happysad:
  17. The Last Templar


    Well... I saw the first three explosions and then Minecraft crashed. :rolleyes:
  18. The Last Templar


    I've lost everything I had about five times now... I don't really have anything to take with me. Just the hope for a better life in a new (Minecraft) world.
  19. They were just annoying anyway, I've had them turned off since I got this computer.
  20. The Last Templar

    Which drink is best drink?

    Pretty much this
  21. The Last Templar

    Why won't we drop a hat on top of...

    I can donate a ref and a rec if needed :)
  22. The Last Templar

    ITT we rage about the complete failure of the Heatmaker

    I hope the removal of the decapitation was just a bug. That's the only reason I wanted to use this weapon. :worried:
  23. The Last Templar

    Humble Indie Bundle V

    Just released, and probably one of their best bundles yet. Includes Amnesia, Bastion, Limbo, Psychonauts, and Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery + the soundtracks. Y'all should probably check it out.https://www.humblebundle.com/
  24. The Last Templar

    chesse20s comics

    I'm still trying to figure out what I just read, but I'm pretty sure it was awesome.
  25. The Last Templar

    Humble Indie Bundle V

    Someone I tried to gift a key to also hasn't gotten anything from them. By their most recent tweet it seems the email service they're using might be to blame.