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The Last Templar

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Posts posted by The Last Templar

  1. DEAL OF THE YEAR! Rayman Origins is only $6!!! For anyone who hasn't played this I cannot recommend it enough. Think Mario Brothers 3 crossed with Super Meat Boy and 5 hits of ecstasy then toss in one of the best soundtracks of all time and you have rayman origins. Ubisoft also shipped this game with no DRM and no uplay requirement to run it. There is no better platformer on steam, BUY IT!

    I was depressed because I missed the Tropico 4 sale by literally seconds... then I saw this sale and I was happy again. Played the demo a while ago and was just waiting for it to go on sale, it looks (and sounds!) fun.

  2. I'm up for throwing in on a 4 pack

    me too, if I can't activate my CD code on Steam, which I'm guessing I won't be able to also I hope these enhanced graphics don't ruin the amazing framerate i can get with my cd version hmm i wonder if this means that the rumors of halo coming to steam could be true after all?

  3. no order implied here 1. portal 2. portal 2 3. tf2 4. earthbound 5. minecraft 6. awesomenauts 7. trine 2 8. empire earth 9. psychonauts 10. gmod edit: apparently i didn't read the op closely enough. oh well.
