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The Last Templar

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Posts posted by The Last Templar

  1. i just witnessed one of the greatest ragequits ever

    playing warlock against a rogue - towards the end of the game he had worn me down on health, but I had better minions out

    so he commited the classic mistake of trying to rush down a warlock on turn 9 without actually killing him, leaving me on 3 hp

    my turn comes, "YOU FACE JARAXXUS ERADAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION" and i clear his board

    he just went afk for the rest of the match :P

    i'm probably a terrible person for that, but hey, nobody likes rogues


    The one time I want to play Medic.

    I suppose you oculd just go QF and zoom around the map attached to a Scout, haha.

    Actually, some of my best patients have been Pyros. I think it's that they -- the ones I remember, anyway -- don't have as much of an illusion of invincibility as do some of the heavier or more powerful classes, so they don't overextend as much. Plus, of course, a decent one is good for Spychecking and protecting you from projectiles.

    The former of which is not necessarily useful when all the Spies are on your team... :P


    the thing with pyros is that the bad ones just run straight at the enemy anyway

    and unlike heavies they can actually catch up

    so sometimes i uber a bad pyro over a bad player of another class just because i know they just have to w+m1 for the kill

    and then of course they stop mid uber and start talking in chat and i lose my faith in everyone again



    I wonder when they'll fix that glitch. They tried before, according to the wiki, but whatever they did failed, pfff.

    speaking of glitches that were supposed to be fixed

    i was playing on a server with the afk manager plugin the other day

    and some guy was griefing by picking up the intel, then going afk and getting moved to spectate - but the plugin didn't force the intel drop so he was carrying it as a spectator. so the intel was just kinda floating around in the air, sometimes following people when his camera was following them.


    also, somehow i got back into trading after cashing out and swearing not to return. the hat bug bites again, i guess.


    LOL! Can you cap as a spectator? Which team would you even cap for?

    And have you got your eyes on a particular hat?


    don't think you can cap, no, but i'd have to try it myself.

    also i picked up the mutton man, the marshall's muttonchops, sola topi, golden garments, and that festive tophat thing for all classes.

  4. I wonder when they'll fix that glitch. They tried before, according to the wiki, but whatever they did failed, pfff.


    speaking of glitches that were supposed to be fixed

    i was playing on a server with the afk manager plugin the other day

    and some guy was griefing by picking up the intel, then going afk and getting moved to spectate - but the plugin didn't force the intel drop so he was carrying it as a spectator. so the intel was just kinda floating around in the air, sometimes following people when his camera was following them.


    also, somehow i got back into trading after cashing out and swearing not to return. the hat bug bites again, i guess.

  5. i really wish i'd recorded some of the games i've played. i've been messing around recently with a warlock deck made of basically all the most annoying cards in the game. it's not meant to win games but i actually have won twice with it now in three ranked games. in one case, i had a alarm-o-bot out on turn two, which summoned rag on turn 3. the other guy (priest) killed him right away but i had played the alarm-o-bot again and next turn it pulled on ysera. so he had 4 mana to deal with a 12 hp minion. it was hilarious.


    pretty much anything besides scout and spy

    my terrible experiences with lag compensation prevent me from getting into close range combat that requires aim


    Actually speaking of that I just saw someone with a bind that just cracked me up




    that is amazing

  7. i'm thinking about switching from playing mostly paladin to mage

    it totally has nothing to do with the fact that I got archmage antonidas, nothing at all ;)

    but i've been able to win a few games without even drawing any of my legendaries, so it's not like the deck depends on him



    I'm using alternative means while I dont have the money to purchase it.





    >non-steam copy


    Pirating Indie games is literally Hitler.


    i dont know if i ever wanted fez i would not pay for it because phil is a doush and doesnt deserve the money (if it was on humble bundle i would just put all money to charity) 

    not like i would ever want fez though



    Pirating Indie games from actually good devs is literally Hitler.



    Pirating games from Phil is literally angelic




    so if i steal an ipod it's alright because steve jobs was a jerk right

  9. initial thoughts:

    -the character emotes are great.

    -you can take off your default clothes. that's a plus in my book.

    -planets seem kinda same-y as far as biomes go

    -i feel that you should be able to pick up pixels dropped after death. especially at low levels, if you lose a bunch to a tough monster there's no way to get them back but go fight another tough monster and risk losing even more.

    -it would be nice to have health bars over all enemies i've damaged

  10. -Burnout: Paradise -It's ok, not groundbreaking, but not bad in any sense either. Arcady handling (a bit too much when it comes to handbrake, but thats me), open world, and game is not screaming through whole race "FINISH LINE IS THERE" and block you off from other routes with inpenetrable walls. Preety cool.

    let's face it, the best part of burnout is the crashes. it's been that way since the original (which was the first video game i played)

  11. I really like the original best, despite its kinda dated graphics. It just seemed to provide more options for traversing levels and actual melee.

    My favorite one-liner has to be "My vision is augmented"

    My favorite character would be a tie between Jensen and JC but then I saw that fantastic animated video about Paul Denton and so it's a three-way tie now

    I think the prison level is my favorite map, it has so many places to go and then there was the surprise at the end.
