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Everything posted by Comeau

  1. Comeau

    Hey, I got a good drop!

    Speaking of good drops, I got a Private Eye yesterday. Must...Get...Nine-Pipe...Problem...
  2. Comeau


    We saw Gamzee, the psychopath, the remorseless killer, the blood-hungry troll who cares less about people than about his own desires. We saw him crying. We. Saw. Him. Fuck. Ing. Crying.
  3. Comeau

    Christmas General

    - Vanilla Mastercards for tf2 stuff - Deck of tarot cards - Silly putty - PS Vita - Persona 4 Golden
  4. I was banned from the computer from refusing to go to my tutor. But I'll be back on Monday, I promise. See ya later, Comeau. P.S. How'd the Alpacalypse go down?
  5. Comeau

    Choose Your Own Adventure

    > Call for a pizza topped with dynamite.
  6. Comeau

    Choose Your Own Adventure

    > Give them a pap smear.
  7. Comeau

    Choose Your Own Adventure

    > Give him a pap smear.
  8. All I have to say is: "I don't like Mondays."
  9. Comeau

    Choose Your Own Adventure

    > Fuck his brains out with the knife, and make him suck your dick. fuck me, I'm a horrible person
  10. Comeau


    So Roxy is writing a story? Interesting...
  11. Comeau


    Items for Medium Crafting: - Three Egyptian God Cards - Shitload of knifes - PS3 - Laptop (broken screen) - Compy /w perfectly fine monitor - Hats (straw fedora, felt fedora) - Scientific Calculator Weapon: Old axe from me garage. > Comeau: Combine AXE with CALCULATOR. Congrats! You got the TECHNOAXE! This probably the best investment of grist ever- oh wait it's a piece of shit. > Combine TECHNOAXE with KNIVES. Okay! You got the SUPREME EDGE! You can now change the size of your blade, the number of blades, and cutting power! > Combine BROKEN LAPTOP with COMPUTER MONITOR. You fixed your LAPTOP! Congrats! > Combine LAPTOP with COMPUTER AND SPEAKERS. Congrats! You have the COMPUTERTOP! This is portable, has the ability to run Steam games, and has no internet! > Combine COMPUTERTOP with ROUTER, MODEM AND GOD CARDS. Congrats! You now have the power of the COMPROUTERTOPDEM OF RA! This baby will play the legendary shout of YU-GI-OH! every time you open it! It can be stopped, but this is pretty cool. > Combine COMPROUTERTOPDEM OF RA with PS3. Oh, baby! You got the CPRTDS3 OF RA! You can play any PS3 game online now, along with steam games! > Combine HATS into ONE HAT. Congrats! You have made the DOUBLE HAT. A HAT on the bottom, made of felt, and a HAT made of straw on top, woven perfectly together. You should find a pair of shades, because DAMN IT LOOKS GOOD.
  12. Dueljay, that meme was so YES-terday. Find something new.
  13. Comeau

    Videogame of the Decade

    Why is Mother 3 not on this list Why is No More Heroes not on this list Why is Team Fortress 2 not on this list Why is none of the best Console and PC games on there Why Why WHY
  14. Comeau

    Recommend everything!

    Read: American Psycho, a beautiful little title which happens to be a metaphor on a mountain of metaphor disguised as murderous, violent book.
  15. Comeau

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    Someone please Christmas my avatar. On a related note, I happen to be wanting a deck of tarot cards, a PS Vita, P4 Golden, some silly putty, and nothing else. I'll tell you what I need them for later.
  16. Horrible network filled with horrible shows (except for Superjail! and some other stuff), and I'm glad to see it's gonna be dead.
  17. Comeau

    Do you still use Facebook?

    I don't have one because me mum says that I can't have an email til' 14. What with pedophiles.
  18. Comeau

    Coding the SCL

    I would like to join
  19. ...Or at least what I'm hoping for. What I want to figure out is what you guys like preferably in a video game that would be enjoyable. I want you to voice what you'd want the genre to be, the music, the overall tone, plot and gameplay of it. And any other stuff. I shall compile it in this post! So GET GOING
  20. Comeau

    [Poll] What web browser do you use?

    Firefox elite race
  21. Comeau

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I don't normally listen to mashups, but when I do, it's this:
  22. Comeau


    Well SHIT. This guy knows what to do.