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Posts posted by Comeau

  1. I may be late to the party, but I think Metal Gear has some relevancy.


    The Metal Gear franchise as a whole has a great concept of themes and a fantastic portrayal of how powerful war is on everybody, and how enemies never stay the same. It conveys so many different attitudes at the same time, whether it be comedy, tragedy, horror, or even simply the entire action aspect of the games, and blends it so perfect at the same time that it never feels like you're being treated to one light of characters. It makes you feel like these people are human, like they want to either support you or defeat you, and you never think that they're one sided at all (except maybe all of the Cobras, excluding The End, The Sorrow and The Boss) in their personalities or goals. Sure, it may get too melodramatic or wordy at times, but that's analogous to creating a good story, and I can't say that they do any worse of a job than that at times. Overall, I find that Metal Gear as a whole is something beyond just a generic copy and paste FPS or a tacky excuse for something unique. I think it's a story that never truly fades with the times, because war is always present, and we cannot escape the faults of our own desire.


    But hey, that's just my two cents. Who gives a crap about one of the highest grossing and most widely known video game franchises ever? Right?



    Well, it's been all but decided - we are moving away from SPUFpowered.

    As a result, the High Admins Council has been dissolved and most of the project-related items have been removed. I'll make sure to announce anything important as it comes along.


    Does that mean that we are getting a name change, or that we will fall apart now?



    Times change and so must we. When you think about it, we're all different forums all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all forums that you used to be. We'll will not forget one post of this. Not one rep. I swear. We will always remember when the SubSPUF was us..


    oh jesus you're sound like the boss from Snake Eater with your timeless war shit and blah blah blah for the mission


    i shot you damnit go away. you're not a good character at all.


    OT: still though what the shit why does everything change like this


    "I'm breaking up AGAAAAAAAAIN" comes to mind

  3. Exactly what it says on the tin.


    This is a compendium to basically sort out any bullshit that can occur with understanding of the history, abilities, and nature of the fictionalized users on here and their characters. Formatting is on the back-burner with this one; simple as you like, or as gratuitous and boring as can be. Pick your poison. But if you're doing multiple people, please remember to use spoiler tags. They're a given.


    Anyways, let's begin.




    Name: Comeau

    Aliases: Mr. Canadia, That Guy, and/or Com

    Abilities/Powers: Being Canadian, controlling his alter ego Bird Hitler, and prowess with various forms of firearms. Also he sings, acts, dances, and plays the trombone decently.

    Personality: Rather bland and uninteresting. Swears often, and uses slang like "vidya".

    Bio: Guy originally from SPUF who met up with Huff and the gang a while ago. He used to be a regular, then disappeared, then suddenly returned.

    Affiliations: Bird commander Party, SPUF, Metal Gear Fandom, Team Fortress 2 Fandom, Mama Cube's Bakery, Rattle Me Bones Fandom

    Ships: Moirails with most people, Kismesis to Nitzan

    Other: Pretty darn stupid when it comes to writing.


    Bird Hitler


    Name: Bird Hitler


    Aliases: Ze Feathur, Mr. Adove Hitler, and the Swastestikal (common insult)


    Abilities/Powers: One of the best Combat Medics evar, ability to fly using giant dove wings, control over birds, proficiency with almost all forms of weaponry, but favors machine pistols and revolvers.


    Bio: A ruthless commander dictator born of the fusion between the ghost of Hitler, a dove, and a random passerby (aka Comeau), he drives his soul and passion into the extermination of the Worm Jews, and whatever the hell he wants to pursue. He also is a pretty decent Medic.


    Ships: Moirails with Cube, Ted, Magickus, and most people. Kismesis to Pinky.


    Other: Absolutely vapid when it comes to romance, with no interest or want of it at all.




    Also, I don't know if an ending in world generation is possible from a technical standpoint. Do you mean continents that stop after a while or just stop generation in general?



    Originally I wrote that in the sense that continents would stop after a while and biomes would sort of end off in a massive vertical slant like a cubic Earth.

  5. Listen up.


    I have Gen 4 (Pokemon Diamond) and Gen 5 (Pokemon Black 2) games.


    I need to trade evo some stuff to beat Diamond and I'm going to start Black 2 soon, so I would appreciate anyone who could trade with me stuff so I can evolve both my Kadabra and Graveller.


    pls gooby


    i luv ju
