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Posts posted by Comeau

  1. You are in a session and about to die on your quest bed. What music/part of a song would you to play while you ascend to God Tier?

    From "Once in a Lifetime" by the Talking Heads:

    ♫Time isn't holding up, ♫

    ♫ Time isn't after us, ♫

    ♫ Same as it ever was, ♫

    ♫ Same as it ever was...♫

  2. Hi! I'm Comeau, as you all know. As of recent history, I posted a vocaroo thingy to cheer up Cube. Apparently everyone here somewhat likes my singing, so I made this thread for my general singing shit.

    Request Line is up to 5 people per time, first come first serve style.

    Rules of Thread:

    1. I am able to refuse any request given as long as it contains any of these:

    a) Political standpoints

    B) General vulgarity (rare chance that I will use this as a reason, as I usually sing vulgar songs)

    c) Bashing/judgement of musicians/cultures/sexuality decisions/etc

    2. I will sing one request per week or so. If I do not sing your request, it's either because of school, or personal shit. I apologize in advance.

    3. I cannot use a karaoke track in the background, as my current headset lacks the SOVIET TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES to make it happen. I will , however, use a karaoke track for pacing/words/general song skills.

    4. I may choose to distribute these requests as MP3s for no charge, as long as you ask.

    5. I have the choice to change lyrics and/or wording in the song if it is in the perspective of the opposite gender (I don't mean any offense, I'm just sort of uncomfortable with singing songs intended for a female performer) to make it fitting according to a character of the male gender

    6. Have fun!

    Request Line:

    1. Idiot Cube's "I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew Acapella" - COMPLETED!


    2. Rynjin's "Boogie in Your Butt" (I CHOKED YOU FUCKING PERSON) - IN PROGRESS





    Idiot Cube

    "I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew"


  3. You got me there, Razputin (don't know where he is) made this awesome post summarizing the subSPUF community I added some people and made it up to date:


    1. Binary is the original mod do not steal. He is also the tech sav

    2. supremecommander is our server overlord and pays the bills he recently got banned

    3. Rammite is the other mod, specifically designed to keep the equilibrium between light and dark equal around here

    4. een is the Elder God. His internet knowledge resembles your dad saying "groovy" and doing the charleston

    5. Janobi is the super mod that never comes on


    1. Gigolo is the classic forum jackass

    2. Raison is also a jackass but is being constrained by a Machoke Power Belt

    3. Verumae is the progidical son who was banished by the angry mods because he became too powerful. He is prophesied to return once more and bring the Rapture. This prophecy has been fufilled

    4. Razputin is grump

    5. Rynjin is counter-grump

    6. And we're the spuf-grumps

    7. Silent keeps true to his name most of the time, but deep down is the Overlord Jackass. Once before we saw a small sliver of his Hatred for the living, and it wasn't pretty.

    8. Expresate is Rynjin with a shorter fuse

    9. Demospam is Demospam, there doesn't really need to be any more explanation


    1. Idiot Cube draws pictures in MS paint to farm rep. Contrary to popular belief, he actually often succeeds in being funny

    2. Dualjay is slowly learning human interaction and we all respect his bravery. Keep fighting little buddy!

    3. Huff is current record holder of "Most feminine member", and also somehow liked by everyone. We expect drugs are involved

    4. Skye is Huff's number 1 contestant in femininity. He almost beat Huff last showdown, but got disqualified for "not having the balls to be a woman"

    5. Guy is black, keeping it fresh

    6. ConfusedCactus has an awful taste in music

    7. Splosion claims he has a girlfriend when really it's just a carboard cutout of Kim Kardashian

    8. Ted's claim to fame is writing... fanfics


    1. KingOfFacade is lusted after by everyone. If you disagree, you're a faggot

    2. Witty has furry avatars and desktops which makes everyone a little uncomfortable even though he's a cool guy

    3. Ladyberncastle's gender is labeled by science as "Schrödinger"

    4. Buddha has a beard and beards are sexy

    5. Magickus is a ♥♥♥♥ing playa and you're not, deal with the facts



  4. Bird Hitler/Comeau is the Blighted Beak guy/Guy in the back. It's obvious: - Bird Hitler always was a gentle man around Admins - He wanted someone to use a potato - He's the only guy to ever wear a Blighted Beak - Comeau rarely does anything, thus nobody would expect him to be the villain
