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Posts posted by Comeau

  1. You don't have to read this if you don't want to.


    That was

    absolute horsecrap.

    First off, PETA doesn't have a right to go ahead and crap on anything they want to.

    Second, what would be the point of Pokemon then? Really, the entire basis is "Gotta Catch Em' All", which requires you to /hunt them./ You can't just cage an animal single-handedly. You need to weaken it. Hence the fighting aspect. And besides, in the games, it's for research of them, not the torture of their species.

    Third, I don't see the problem with eating meat. You're simply consuming dead animal matter that was cooked. Technically, it's not "living". It's /dead./ Dead as any corpse in a grave. Eating vegetables only just to be an uptight "morally right" arse is wrong, but eating vegetables and meat together is fine.

  2. Oh yeahfunny storyMy friends (Grade 9s, hate hanging out with my unintelligent peers) all said that they would leave me behind in their SBURB session, and paradox space me into the game.And so I took the test, ended up with Soul of Hope.One of them was already Hope, and Soul isn't even fucking canon.So yeahScrew it, I'm not doing this any more.

  3. LIES.

    We all know that a PANCRACY is equivalent to DICTATORSHIP.

    While your goals may be SOMEWHAT NOBLE, your intentions are MALEVOLENT.

    Also, this just in: capitalizing RANDOM WORDS for EMPHASIS is UNDERRATED.

    We need a bloody (BIRD) NAZI PARTY, in order to exterminate those who oppose us.

    With tinges of PANCRACY.

  4. Listen up.

    I'm not who you think I am.

    As in:

    I'm Batman.

    The reason I was lying before was that I was afraid that you guys would send me off, calling me a "scrub superhero".

    But you didn't.

    It seems apparent that you guys actually consider me a real superhero.

    And I'm happy with that.

    Unfriend me if you want to, I'm not afraid.


    In the words of Ren and Stimpy: "That's very funny."

    But yet the way you pulled the joke off was mediocre, and was in bad taste.

    I'm sorry, but I'm taking away your Comedian license.

    Have a nice day,

    you total fucking ASS.
