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Everything posted by Cuttlefishes

  1. Cuttlefishes

    How do I change currency?

    Somewhat unrelated to TF2, but where else do I put this? Say I have an account with premium Steam and TF2 but no wallet, how do I change Steam Market currency from USD to £?
  2. Cuttlefishes


    Aren't you supposed to be working on OPCL?
  3. Cuttlefishes


    What is the Saloon anyway? I haven't been keeping track, I come on here like once a week or something.
  4. This pretty much sums up my feelings about that article.
  5. Cuttlefishes

    How do I change currency?

    But I live in the UK and it's giving me dollars?
  6. Cuttlefishes

    Competitive Leagues

    I bailed too, don't worry
  7. Cuttlefishes

    Need help finding something

    I saw this vaguely funny bad animation thing a while back about a skeleton called bones and some other guy, except it's not really an animation but it kind of is. If I remember correctly, it has a few thousand views - and there's an episode where he sends the guy he haunts to jail and another where he gives him dating advice. sned hapl pls sbubspuf
  8. Cuttlefishes

    Need help finding something

    I watched it god knows how long ago, but I lost it. This time I subbed so I don't lose it.
  9. Cuttlefishes

    Need help finding something

    I love you
  10. Cuttlefishes

    TF2 general

    Well, you know, the BCs did go towards the prize pool. And there were a lot of them.
  11. Cuttlefishes

    What hat to paint CC?

    Yah, months ago Valve were still getting rid of some of them, I think. Not really anymore. Also - it'd look pretty awesome on the Scribblenauts hat, paint that!
  12. Cuttlefishes

    What hat to paint CC?

    I'm thinking of buying Chromatic Corruption paint, what allclass should I apply it to? I'm thinking either a HOUWAR, a Lo-Fi Longwave or, I don't know, a Mann Co Cap? Kind of has to be allclass, as I'm not really into shelling out 5 keys/class for the paint.
  13. Cuttlefishes


    plz go scrub not wanted here/10
  14. Cuttlefishes

    What hat to paint CC?

    Nah, they don't. Not anymore.
  15. Approved by me, this guy isn't a total scrub He plays (played? I don't know, haven't been there for months) on the spufserver too
  16. Cuttlefishes

    What hat to paint CC?

    The fact that it's been here for months already, the expiration date says November 9th 2012, not November 9th of any year.
  17. Cuttlefishes

    RIP OpenPlugin.

    No, I used 130 :>
  18. Cuttlefishes

    RIP OpenPlugin.

    RIP in pizza, deer frand. You were a good plugin, and now I have to use tunnelvision, also known as 90 FOV.
  19. Cuttlefishes

    TF2 general

    http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=34302508&postcount=167 stupidity of the year 2013
  20. Cuttlefishes

    TF2 general

    So I got a broken reddit hat. :(
  21. Cuttlefishes

    TF2 general

    I made a shitty preview vid of the ultiduo map they'll be casting in ToTH. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnldGLpxkH8
  22. Cuttlefishes

    TF2 general

    silly brazilian sharks trying to steal my bootiful unusual hets :(
  23. Cuttlefishes

    TF2 general

    Download better hacks and fuck him up
  24. Cuttlefishes

    Dota 2 chests - pricecheck?

    Yeah, got them in a trade god knows how long ago. Thanks, a rec sounds good!
  25. Cuttlefishes

    Dota 2 chests - pricecheck?

    Any idea how much a series #1 chest and two series #2 chests could get me in TF2 metal? Thanks!