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Primal Phoenix

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Posts posted by Primal Phoenix

  1. You just get some tranquils and maybe a vanguard and just go charging through your jungle. 


    When we tested, an axe with a crimson guard, tranquils and lvl 11 could tank 12 max level bombs while under the effects of beserkers call. Sure there are more efficient ways of clearing your jungle, but I'm 99% sure none of them will make you feel like more of a badass. 

  2. Not looked into crimson guard that much (I rarely build vanguard and CG doesn't seem to give me a reason to). I love Halberd and Blade Mail too, but I fucking hate having them together, like, blade mail is all about reflecting damage they do but halberd stops you from taking as much damage. It's sad because they're both such fucking cool items but it feels wrong to get them together.


    I don't think having a blademail should turn you off getting a halberd. A halberd provides a ton of utility and tank, which is generally what you need on a lot of type of heroes that build a blademail, on top of that those two items really force the enemy carry into buying an early BKB if you get your items quickly. Forcing the enemy #1 position to alter his item build around what is presumably a #3 position hero is really beneficial to your entire team.


    Additionally, forcing the enemy carry into an early BKB means he will have lower charges later in the game, and these days you can't just buy a new BKB, so it kinda messes them up. Long story short halberd is a great item. 


    Just played around 8 hours straight, and I can say with absolute certainty that the gold and exp bounty changes are fucking retarded. 


    I can't trust a man who uses the phrase "fucking retarded" without irony. Sorry. You might as well have just typed "WORST PATCH EVER" and made a vlog about it where you spill Cheetos on yourself mid-sentence.



    Is there anything you don't get annoyed at? I honestly don't know if you're taking exception to the fact that I don't like that one aspect of the patch, or the fact that I said the word "retarded", either way I don't really care. 


    Anyway, I generally really like this patch, but think the gold/exp stuff needs to get toned down, which it seems like it has done. 

  4. if youre out of things to do as kotl just go stack and blow up camps


    its so easy to get a mek on that hero and then you can just push push push


    Are you sure it's safe to build that kind of a gold lead by farming a support? Don't wanna die and give the enemy 10,000 gold and 5 levels. 

  5. First game as Techies was a win. Did relatively little to contribute, but didn't do anything particularly stupid either. So that's still a victory in my eyes.


    Also starting my way through the All Hero Challenge and after my first three, I've already landed on Chen. Son of a bitch. I know I have to play him sooner or later, but man, number four out of over a hundred. Not my luck.


    Just get comfortable with setting up control groups on the fly and chen isn't too bad, just force pushes early on with a creep army. 
