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Primal Phoenix

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Posts posted by Primal Phoenix

  1. When you're looking at a population like the USA you also have to consider the percentage that those populations represent, even with as  large a majority vote for Hilary that the Hispanics and Blacks represented there are still a LOT more white voters, and the interests of more white voters than black or hispanic would be represented even if Hilary had won, granted it's apparently not what the MAJORITY of whites wanted you can't completely discount the white voters and attempt to justify the whole government as being controlled by the blacks and hispanics just because they had a majority vote for Hilary.

  2. I don't get how you're equating some Mexicans coming into your country and working for minimum wage to apartheid.


    I'm pretty sure no one is hurting your rights as a white person in America, as far as I'm aware there is no Mexican minority ruling class? You seem to still have the vast majority of your government controlled by the white population and I believe you're not being segregated, yeah?

  3. 3x3 isn't really that amazing from what I've seen, it looks like it's a relatively niche pick for a few teams. From what I can tell it's just something reddit picked up from a single team doing it in a single tournament with no other good teams in it and most teams are still running 2x2x2, I could be wrong but that's what I've heard. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, Razputin said:

    I will blame you for dropping the game right after I bought it. I did buy it because I wanted to play together with you. And don't give me this hyperbole shit about looking up to you and wanting to become Daigo. I wanted to play with a friend who dropped the game right after I spent 120 bucks on SFV plus a proper controller and turned into "that guy with his first girlfriend which he never shuts up about", right after months of you starting every other conversation with "tfw no gf"


    It was never about getting good, it was about a person who I saw as a friend turning into someone I was actively disgusted by. SFV was the last straw





    Edit: no seriously though are you for real?


    Double Edit: Next time you tell one of my best friends to seriously consider killing himself maybe kindly think about offing yourself instead.
