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Primal Phoenix

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Posts posted by Primal Phoenix

  1. 6 hours ago, Rammite said:

    Makes sense to me. When justice rains from above, very few people cry OP.


    I think his ult is fine, it's his dash reset that might be too much.


    The weakness of all the ultimates listed above is that they slow the heroes down to a crawl, with the biggest offender being rocket barrage which literally makes Pharah sit completely still. Coupled with the fact that the ultimate makes them a huge target they can rarely, reliably get more than 2 kills at a time with them. Reaper can easily get stunned by a McRee flashbang and McRee can easily get fucked over by a Reinhardt shield, both non-ultimate abilities that are easy to use to counter the enemy. Genji's ultimate on the other hand actually massively increases his damage output and speed, coupled with the fact that he has a VERY wonky hitbox it becomes nigh on impossible to easily shut down a Genji ultimate, his biggest counter really being Transcendence, a support ultimate which is considered to be extremely valuable, and only has a limited range, so assuming you're not all grouped up Genji can still pick off a few heroes in the back lines or spread out as you may well be in a map like Hanamura.


    I feel like the fact that Genji is pretty much a required pick in most high level and competitive matches really speaks volumes about the strength of the hero. While we were at insomnia we got to watch a few matches of the Overwatch tournament, and well, the hero is just plain broken from the slightly above average skill levels up to the highest levels of play. You know what we never saw? Pharah, even with her 'no skill broken op' rocket barrage ultimate somehow Genji still managed to be the preferred DPS hero for EVERY. SINGLE. TEAM.


    I feel like complaining about rocket barrage, deadeye or death blossom is very much akin to complaining about Bastion.

  2. Because every country has the same resources and infrastructure that every other country in Europe has. A lot of things have changed in the past ~60 years, our currency has already gone in the dumpster and the future is EXTREMELY uncertain. So yeah, please don't tell me to 'get over' the fact that a bunch of ill-informed elderly people have just dictated what the foreseeable future of my country is going to be like.


    Getting your way doesn't mean that you're right.

  3. It pretty much comes down to the prices the 980ti's will dip down to on release of the 1080 and how much the 3rd party cards sell for when they get released. About the average price I can see for second hand 980ti's is around £350-400, and the 3rd party cards hopefully will release around £400-450 for the cheaper ones. So honestly, a 10-20% increase for ~£50 or so difference is absolutely worth it to me, considering the 1080 can perform just about as well as 980ti's in two way SLI. 


    Below is the video I used the benchmarks from, as well as a few other reputable sites. 



  4. That depends entirely on when nvidia gave them the reference card to work on. The chances of a custom card being out very shortly after the release of the reference is pretty high. I've got the cash to spend, and I don't want to grab a 980ti for like £300 and regret not waiting like, a week for the 3rd party cards to release for £100-150 more. I've been upgrading my PC over the last few months and I'm going for something pretty high-end.

  5. I disagree with a lot of the above post.


    Roadhog really isn't overpowered at all. He does well against disorganised teams, but he's got so much raw HP and no armour that anyone that sustains fire on him basically gets a free ult. He's probably among the worst of the tanks, but by no means weak.


    Bastion is probably the worst hero in the game, being immobile is such a death wish in Overwatch vs shit like Widow, Hanzo, Mcree, Mei etc. He's very far from cancer, apart from in very low-tier games. 


    Winston is extremely effective at defending against Widowmakers, since his AoE shield can help facilitate a push against them. His weapon also can't be reflected by Genji, D.VA can't defence matrix it and barriers can't block it. His ultimate is probably the most badly used in the game, it's about getting enemies out of position and creating chaos against a defense/push, not "wow look at my potg guys I killed them all".  


    I'm just going out, so forgive the disorganised format of my post, I may flesh this out when I get back. 

  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B061Rs4gw4zkCec35Q5v2r576e_Jd6pJfrT_5_GZ74I/preview


    Sheds a lot more light on the issue, if you're invested enough to read 17 pages.




    James was hired, and told to 'be himself' by none other than Icefrog. Valve decided they didn't like James' on camera persona, and fired him, there may or may not have been some personal vendetta's/past grudges involved with a Valve employee named Ali. As far as James is aware there was no off camera incident that could have caused him to be fired, most likely it was because he was taking shots at players, (Waga/Singsing for the final session, both of whom James claims to be good friends with). Either way I would argue it's not what he gets for "being a douche" as Valve knew who they were hiring, and what his particular hosting style is, not to mention the extreme unprofessionalism of Valve asking James to hold off on his statement until the morning, while in the meantime Gabe Newell issues his own statement during the period they asked James to cool off for outright calling James "an ass". 


    Coupled with the fact that he was carrying the shit out of the entire panel, and managed to come up with hours of content while dealing with the shitshow that was the production of this event and the endless delays it caused, as well as the fact that he is extremely popular among fans I'd say Valve seriously dropped the ball on this one, and for a company that is notorious for their bad PR it's sure something to fuck up beyond what anyone expected.


    I'm sure Tobias will probably write up something later that puts my short shitty rundown of events to shame, but I'm about to go out so I've rushed this a bit, and I cba to check over what I've written.




    The only thing Major about this event is how much of a Major fuckup it is.

  7. Recently been experimenting with fresh pasta, can't be denied that it takes a lot more effort than dried pasta, but I figure if you make it up in a reasonably large batch and refrigerate it, it won't work out that much harder if you're just making basic types of pasta.


    I made a spinach and ricotta ravioli with a Parmesan white sauce for dinner last night, and cut out some tagliatelle for breakfast this morning, and just tossed it in a little butter and salt then grated some Parmesan on top. I've gotta say fresh pasta easily beats the dried stuff. 
