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Everything posted by Cretler

  1. Cretler

    SPUF Coffee group

  2. Cretler

    Conductor's Log

    I think alex is going to die first.
  3. Cretler

    Conductor's Log

    Let's solve this mystery gang. The bold and italicized numbers and letters must mean something! 9, x, 4, y, t, 5, d, x. What could this possibly mean.
  4. Cretler

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    Well I just found out that my first event with the lesbian community is bowling.
  5. Cretler

    Conductor's Log

    I hope this train takes us to the digital world.
  6. Cretler

    Apps that don't suck.

    Angry Birds Angry Birds Seasons Angry Birds RIO Angry Birds Space Angry Birds Tokyo Jam Angry Birds Playboy
  7. Cretler

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    SPRING BREAK!!! I'll be writing my SPUF fanfic and attending local lesbian community events.
  8. Agent Cody Banks. The Cat in The Hat(Live-action)
  9. You guys do realize that chewing pastries into the shapes of guns is the first step towards becoming a serial killer, right? The second step is playing Mass Effect 3.
  10. Cretler

    This is an introduction

    Funny you should mention that, because we here at SPUF have our very own Fetish thread! http://spufpowered.com/showthread.php?t=2824
  11. America: Protecting the integrity of pastries since they were born.
  12. Cretler

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    In all fairness, my introduction thread wasn't too weird
  13. Cretler

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    You'll learn to control it in time.
  14. Cretler

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Welcome to SPUF. I call the right index finger. Oh, and be sure to check out the fetish thread in the private forum.
  15. Cretler


    It appears this forum has taken a Dark turn.
  16. Cretler

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    Well, I call his right index finger.
  17. Cretler

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    Him not capitalizing the "I" in his title made me cringe, but other than that he seems like a bundle of optimism.
  18. Cretler

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    Welcome to the Machine! Be sure to visit our very own Fetish thread as soon as possible!
  19. You know what would be awesome? If these online single player games had MICROTRANSACTIONS! As we all know, consumers love that jazz.
  20. Cretler

    EA is at it again

    Silly EA, people working at your company don't count as "consumers".
  21. The porno version? I dunno cube, I think you went too far on that one.
  22. I'm nominating the favorite family classic Shark Boy and Lava Girl again.
  23. Cretler

    Rule Updates

    I don't know what thread you guys are talkin about, but these rules seem fine to me.