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Posts posted by Cretler

  1. 3 hours ago, DualJay said:

    Don't go moving the goalposts on me, Guy. I was responding to the erroneous information you provided. He very well might be racist - but I am hesitant to believe that when it comes from his ex-wife. Did the school director corroborate her story?


    Without actual stuff from the guy, either in writing or on tape, or corroborated stories, I am hesitant to believe. Character assassinations are a dime a dozen these days - such as, I expect, the accusations of kiddie molestation right before the election that were dropped right after. That story stinks of Jackie.


    The KKK might just like him because he allows views similar to theirs a platform. I'm not arguing that he's not a bad person - I'm arguing that he's on the level of anyone else in politics.





    like, this shit writes itself.

  2. 1 hour ago, Raison d'être said:

    You really blew the fuck outta that strawman. Maybe one day you'll be able to quote my actual words and rebut them.

    what am i getting wrong? it doesnt matter whatever bullshit reason you try to come up with to justify your vote for trump. the fact is that you knowingly voted for a bigot and helped put people who have openly expressed their hatred for everyone who isn't a straight white male into some of the most powerful positions in the country. because of your vote, you helped create a system that does not give a shit about the future of the world, the human rights of every minority, and the freedom for those people to express their thoughts and desires. all because you dont like white people not being in power, whatever that means.


    its that simple. you can whine about me creating a strawman all you'd like, it doesnt change the fact that youre an idiot.

    53 minutes ago, Mersopolis said:

    Can we all at least promise to be nice and respect all people in real life?

    this is the correct and right way to think. too bad not everyone agrees with that.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Raison d'être said:

    Astounding how fast libs change their tune from "The electoral college is wrong, here's why" to "I'm glad you're dying out." They don't even bother to argue. The mask slips and they show their true colors. "JUST LET US DISPOSSESS YOU" they screech, "DIE FASTER YOU FUCKING REPUBLICAN."


    The left is evil.


    lol nice meltdown.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Raison d'être said:

    And there it is. If you give even the slightest resistance, the liberal will openly admit he's happy to genocide you if you push him enough, because of "muh wrong side of history." You're a sick fucking puppy you know that right?


    i dont think you get to say this when you openly voted for a racist sexist idiot who cares about no one but himself 

  5. 5 hours ago, alexgndl said:


    It's honestly ridiculous.  I mean, I get where they're coming from, and to a certain extent even agree with them.  But the hypocrisy here is just absolutely astounding.  He won.  It happened.  And now, instead of trying to figure out what went wrong and fixing it for the midterms, they're refusing to accept the results and are rioting.  Which is exactly what everyone was screaming that Trump would do if he lost.  I mean, for god's sake-who is an undecided voter now more likely to vote for, the Republican, or the dude who's likely to throw a garbage can through a window if his guy loses?  


  6. On 7/23/2016 at 11:31 PM, Rynjin said:

    Fuck ALL of you.

    at least you got to play the game. my god of war collection has a bug where no matter how many times i fucking press circle in qte's, nothing happens.


    my kratos is thus stuck on a ship eternally trapped fighting a hydra. on some days, i weep.

  7. 51 minutes ago, Razputin said:

    The casual matchmaking is without hyperbole the single worst thing Valve has ever done to TF2


    If it does not get straight up removed, this will be the thing that kills TF2

    i haven't touched tf2 in months


    whats so bad about it?

  8. you see, if the killer was white, everyone would just say he was mentally ill

    2 hours ago, Raison d'être said:

    Reports are still coming in and details are sketchy so while waiting for them I'll ask the important question: will our European friends drape their Facebook avatars in Ol' Glory à la the Paris attacks?

    i dunno, better than shitposting on a dead forum at least
