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Everything posted by IcedCappuccino

  1. IcedCappuccino


    I know I'm personally really looking forward to the new character. At first I was a bit disappointed to see he was a melee-type, but after actually watching some video clips, I don't know, I-I kind of want to roll a 4-person party with all psychos.
  2. G'evening. I just wanted to greet the people of this community. Ted here introduced me to your forums and it looks to have quite a plethora of shenanigans and tom foolery. I like it. Since this *is* a gaming community, I suppose I should make a mention of games. Uh. Yeah. I play games. Good stuff. I'm not about to make a long winded speech about how people think females who play games are a rare oddity because, really, it's not all that uncommon and it's not really worth mentioning. I'm also not about to brag about it. Gaming's just always been an integral part of my life. That's all there is to it. So yeah. Just sayin' hello. :)
  3. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Oh God, those Belgian waffle cookies. :Q They are heavenly.
  4. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Thank you for carrying this heavy burden. :W I warn you, the cross breeding has left him perpetually hyperactive from constantly being filled with coffee. Do you know what it's like to have all your organs floating in coffee? Not fun. Not fun.
  5. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    D-did you just -did you just nail boards to his face? Huh. Well. A bit crude but nonetheless it does the job.
  6. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Because I forgot that I was looking for the settings to change my avatar D: THERE. He's a special boy now. Ain't nobody gon' say otherwise.
  7. IcedCappuccino

    SPUF Coffee group

    I cannot argue with this, though this only confirms that I have very odd taste.
  8. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    I can believe said statement. Alternatively, normal can be omitted and substituted with "subSPUF".
  9. Clearly, Canada's a prime target to get nuked, with all our technological advances and massive military base that we have.
  10. IcedCappuccino

    SPUF Coffee group

    Relishing the last droplet of heavenly decaf I have. *sadface* Also. If there's something I can complain about. Why doesn't Nescafe decaffeinated coffee come in jars that are larger than 150g? I go through one of those every 1-2 weeks.
  11. IcedCappuccino

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Rosetta Stoned by Tool. Always so good.
  12. IcedCappuccino

    Idiot Cube's stupid animations

    Oh man. All that glorious coffee, just seeping away. :Q ...I'm still here. :C I just don't post in threads I don't have much to contribute to. Apologies, though, I pretty much hop on the forums everyday and read about what shenanigans you guys are all up to. I like living vicariously through other people but I shall try to be more vocal. Also. Cube, again, thanks for the amazing gif. That legitimately made my day. It is now also my spray for Garry's Mod. : D (space because trying to avoid emoticon)
  13. ...Now we're just inROOT BEERserting words in.
  14. IcedCappuccino

    SPUF Coffee group

    What ever do you mean? Coffee is always plaguing every single thought in our minds and coating it in rich bitter deliciousness.
  15. IcedCappuccino

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    Agreed. I went on a ski trip for Christmas. 90% of the time was spent on a laptop, 10% was spent snowboarding. :W
  16. IcedCappuccino

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    Every day = Spring break. You would think that it'd entail going to the beach in a bikini or going on a road trip with some friends to the states. But no. It's even better. Playing games all day. I think I'm okay with this.
  17. IcedCappuccino

    SPUF Coffee group

    To worship this divine and glorious nectar of life that has been bestowed upon us. Yes.
  18. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    I admire that of which I lack.
  19. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    I-I... Vut. :W
  20. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    I will take that both as an insult and a compliment.
  21. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Well damn, you beat me to the punch Ted.
  22. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    : D See. This is the rundown of the coffee routine: >Rummages around the kitchen for something to eat for breakfast, finds nothing, gets a cup of coffee >Rummages around the kitchen for something to eat for lunch, finds nothing, gets a cup of coffee >A cup of coffee before every game >A cup of coffee after dinner >A cup of coffee before bedtime
  23. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    D: Give me some credit here; I drink coffee by the gallon here. >Caffeine overload.
  24. IcedCappuccino

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Hello. You will find that I am a person quite full of hypocrisy and contradictory statements. You will most enjoy getting to know me further. >: )