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Posts posted by Veez

  1. I'm feeling very cautious with this new Fallout so far. From what little we've seen, the game looks lazy (Gamebryo 1.2, the running animations, reused assets), and I'm not a fan of the protagonist talking (though that may be just be a trailer thing), the graphics look pretty bad for a 2015 game to me, and I really wish they would just let the Brotherhood of Steel just die at this point.

    Its too early to make a judgement on the game, but I don't trust Bethesda all that much, so I'm not raising up the hype balloons just yet.

  2. I dunno about "make Dragon Ball power levels look tame". Even at the end of the series they're MAYBE as powerful as pre-Super Saiyan Goku during the fight with Frieza.

    ​ In Dragon Ball, at least they train to get stronger, and not some bullshit happens and suddenly have powers high enough to punch out God himself (what they do in Naruto).


  3. I think that AAI2 is definitely up there on the rankings. I'd put it next to Trials and Tribulations.

    The music is also great, as expected. Its got my second favorite pursuit theme, and the big bad music is really good.

    Most of the new characters are good ( I despised some of them at the beginning, but they grow on you near the end), you see some old faces again, and you get to play as Gregory Edgeworth at one point in the game.

    The way all the cases connect to each other in the end is also great.

    The new mechanic, Logic Chess, is also really fun, though its hard to fuck it up.
