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Everything posted by kuliise

  1. Here, I'll start it off with a photo I took in 2003: [spoiler2] [/spoiler2] No, that's not gum.
  2. kuliise

    The most important question about TF2

    Oh if we're choosing outside of it, Fem Spy. Geez, that lady is sexy.
  3. kuliise


    No, because then it'll be like reddit.
  4. kuliise

    Why is there no Bionicle thread

    The comics were awesome. That's actually how I first learned of it haha. I still have my Japanese issue (forgot what number) on my bookshelf I think.
  5. kuliise

    Medic does arty things?

    Did you guys read the comics? Those were great, although the art started sucking a bit after Toa Nuva haha Dang it I should've known that, Hahli has a Gali mask. Ahh I forgot all my bionicle names ;__; And that story! Do you still have it?
  6. kuliise

    Planetside 2

    ^Agree with this. But hey, playing it once in a while isn't so bad. Go TR though, because of all the reasons above and also because it is best empire.
  7. kuliise

    I need help, nerds.

    Oh, congrats on your computer! Looking good haha.
  8. kuliise

    Medic does arty things?

    OMFG BIONICLE Wait why is Hahli making friends with a Bohrok
  9. kuliise

    Planetside 2

    You guys mainly in Waterson? Think I might make a new TR there because TR is best and I don't have an outfit on Matterson anyway.
  10. kuliise

    The most important question about TF2

    What? I clicked Blu not red. I like Blu better. As for the calender girls, I don't like either.
  11. kuliise

    Art you come across.

    I can do monthly manga, I'm patient. Normally I just wait til the manga is in the 100s before I start anyway. (I read 300+ chapters of One Piece in 3 days to catch up to the latest, same with KHR but watched 120+ episodes in 3 days straight haha.) OMG KOPAKA HE WAS/IS MY FAVORITE The anime is already a death sentence. The author sure likes killing off everyone in the most horrible and sudden ways possible. Although to be fair that's more like how death is in real life...
  12. kuliise

    Hello :O

    Hey there, I'm kuliise, you might have seen me lurking around on SPUF sometimes. I'm also one of the NA admins for RSP, so if you need anything just give me a call. (And yes, Season 3 is coming, but currently we're all sort of busy so we're not sure on the date. It's gonna be after i49 though for sure.) Other than that, I like to draw occasionally and hop around on other video games. Currently playing a mixture of Warframe, Mabinogi, Borderlands 2, Osu!, and TF2. Nice to meet y'all. :D
  13. kuliise

    Art you come across.

    I haven't read the manga yet since I kind of marathoned the anime up the current episode about a week or so ago haha. I'm probably going to read the manga once the anime ends though. Usually I like manga better than anime but in AoT's case...the manga just looks ugly sorry hahaha. I know it's not just me who thinks the anatomy is a bit off, my artist by profession friend said the same thing. And those anatomy mistakes just kind of distract me from the otherwise very good story. That is some really nice fanart though. Geez, I'm always impressed by what the fans can do.
  14. kuliise

    Greetings Secret SPUF

    Nice to meet you! I'd say welcome, but I haven't been here long so.
  15. I think if anything it'll help trade sites, since it happens a lot that you add some guy and he gets on when you're offline and vice versa. Personally I am very happy about this.
  16. kuliise

    Art you come across.

    You like Attack on Titan? Sweeeet [spoiler2][/spoiler2] Does this count as art
  17. kuliise

    Regularly Played Games

    I'm kuliise on Mattherson. Why you all play on different servers. Loyalty until death!
  18. kuliise

    3Fort is here

    Oh, nice stuff! Is this counted as shaded?
  19. kuliise

    Hello :O

    I knew that, I was kidding! Maybe. Actually I did know that at one point but I forgot all my SPUF lingo
  20. kuliise

    Regularly Played Games

    Oh, Firefall sometimes. Didn't really get into it though. Planetside 2 occasionally, but it's less fun solo imo. Warframe! And Mabinogi.
  21. kuliise

    Hello :O

    Wry D:
  22. kuliise

    Hello :O

    Oh, nope I didn't see that. Haven't been on SPUF in a while haha.
  23. kuliise

    Hello :O

    Wait what posts?
  24. kuliise

    3Fort is here

    Ohh, you got any samples of your commissions? And what are your rates? Also nice to meet ya!