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Everything posted by Davjo_

  1. Davjo_

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    This exists.
  2. Davjo_

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I can be seen at 0:43. Can I be famous now?
  3. Went to the doc today because I think I am autistic, as I have told some of you probably. Apparently I have to meet a specific psychologist for that. We've been given a few recommendations of nearby ones. I will know things in about 6-8 weeks time. Better than one of them who had waiting times of 9 years.
  4. Davjo_

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    On another note, expert MvM nowadays is either extremely easy or extremely hard. I see the good (sometimes elitist) 300-tour guys and then the notourers that brainlessly place sentries and buy scattergun upgrades before resistances/milk.
  5. Davjo_

    SPUF 5 Stack

    I would be up for shenangians. Mind you that I vary between DMG and eagle though.
  6. Well, off to Italy, Tuskany specifically. Yay school trips with drunked, retarded classmates that want to force me to drink. And yes, some parts of Germany STILL have school. Summer holidays start next week, when we return basically. So yeah, see you guys in a week. If insanity hasn't killed me yet.
  7. I watched a YTPMV and just noticed that "meme" (I think that's FrozenFireBug) has a profile picture similar to the character in said YTPMV. Spooky.
  8. Why can't we have commercials like those outside of japan?
  9. That means more abstract and weird stuff. Do want.
  10. Aren't those watches literally the best anyway? My old saxophone teacher had one. He was classy as fuck.
  11. I commissioned things. Again. I should also warn you that this pic is big. Yay.
  12. Straight outta my pixelated stream last night.
  13. Hey I can stream things now Expect CS:GO shenanigans with lots (and lots) of Snivies as overlay to distract you from the actual gameplay. Also pixels because my upload rate is shit.
  14. Davjo_

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​I swapped two pokemon once Got a 80 combo for no reason whatsoever. The game is all about RNG imo.
  15. Davjo_


    Apparently there is a Super Mystery Dungeon trailer already. Eevee doesn't seem to be in the roster of available Pokemon. Damnit
  16. Do you guys want me to take pictures of nerf guns csgo skins?
  17. Old laptop ran CS:GO at 30 fps with everything low/no filters. New laptop runs it at 80 with everything high/veryhigh and good filters. Helpmeplsthosegraphicsandmyskinsaresogood
  18. I have a new laptop for gaming now. I might not do anything for the next few weeks trying to download games I actually play. RIP saves of games I played.
  19. Davjo_

    the best worst things

    German TV nowadays is literally the worst, it feels like they took "actors" outta the street, paid them 50 bucks, made them do a shitty job and then edited stuff with windows movie maker. Not to forget the super predictable endings at all times. And my family keeps wanting me to watch it despite me saying no and that I get headaches from it, and then they wonder why I'm moaning about stuff. I WONDER WHY HMMMMMMMMM Then again, it is watchable FOR THEM because they thought I was playing a violin and not a saxophone. Didn't knew those instruments sounded the same.