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Posts posted by Davjo_

  1. Yesterday evening, Dispenz0r's Fun Server had a Quiz Show of sorts. Only approximately 12 people showed up, though, so we divided them into two groups of 6 each and took turns asking questions, a total of 8 rounds. We had a custom map with a quiz area, with booths and all that.

    Me and someone else were the "finalists" with 2 points each (Winning gives you a point). I somehow managed to win at TF2 trivia and won the grand prize of 50 euros.


    The event itself as a little poorly organized though, as one of the admins who lead the event had to constantly delay it due to personal problems. Everyone was pretty understanding with that, except one specific guy who kept flaming everyone, kept insulting everyone, how the questions are "bullshit" and the likes as well as having god complex. He also did not know that you have to hit A or B when answering.

    One of the admins decided to share a chatlog with everyone after he's been daybanned: http://pastebin.com/JjkFnrBr

    I once had this guy as a "friend" as well, he collects Craft Numbered Conscientous Objectors and is toxic as fuck, always claiming to be right and any initial point in an argument is "irrelevant" after 5 minutes. I once had to argue over an hour with him why I don't want to watch his youtube videos, where I did a small mistake in a "mathematic function" (as I bothered to give him 10 lines of explanation), which made his argument "automatically right".


    So, uh, maybe you guys can have a laugh or two at this guys' god complex. I am curious if he might receive a permaban. Almost everyone, that is admins, community regulars and even the owner, seem to agree that he is toxic.

  2. 14 hours ago, hugthebed2 said:

    It can be good for deterring hackers and smurfs and that's really it.

    Basically this.

    Although it fucks up users who use DeskAuth or have a Windows Phone (because Valve still hasn't made an app for that). I feel sorry for them to have to play against cheaters and smurfs constantly.

    Keep in mind it reads that it only "prioritizes" Prime accounts with other Prime accounts, so there still is a chance that you will be matchmade with non-Primes if you are Prime and vice versa, just less often. And if this experiment fails completely, they'll scrap it most likely.


    I am more interested how the ranks will be handled after this. Since Primes will play with other Primes more often, which hopefully means legitimate players VS legitimate players happens more often, their ranks shoudln't vary too much, as well as reaching higher ranks shouldn't be impossible, but non-Primes will never reach the higher ranks as they will most likely be full of hackers that don't have a Prime account either. In some cases that would also probably mean that higher ranked Primes have a low chance of playing with or against hackers if matchmaking doesn't find compatible players.

    Just my two cents, but we will see how things go.

  3. On 3.4.2016 at 3:46 PM, Razputin said:

    FrankJavCee is so goddamn next level

    This video manages to explain the theory behind my own study on neural entrainment really well whilst also including the phrase "the danker you are the more powerful the memes"


    I actually have been using binaural waves for over two years and I have to say that they most certainly help with various things he listed, such as concentrating or vivid dreams/dreamless sleep.

    The video is oddly entertaining as well while being historical. That's quite nice to see.

  4. My phone's flatrate seems to have ended yesterday, which also meant that my phone number was nonexistant for that period. Basically I got a metaphorical heart attack.

    I seem to have noticed this "rather early" (read: today evening) and called them about that and if there is a way to recover my old number before some other random dude gets it.

    Luckily, they managed to re-activate my old flatrate as well as my old phone number. Hooray.

  5. 8 hours ago, Rammite said:

    What I always notice with hackers is that they're straight up terrible. I saw this one guy play Phantom Assassin and he had a script that autocanceled his attack animation until he got a crit, meaning he'd twitch uncontrollably and then dish out 2k+ crits


    And yet he still got a Basher and Moon Shard, despite attacking only once every 5 seconds.

    I find it amusing that hackers don't have any kind of gamesense 99% of the time..

    There's plenty of other examples, like the infamous LMAOBOX heavies in TF2, or Pyros that automatically airblast whenever a projectile is nearby them. They never have an idea where they are being shot from.

  6. I have been getting a lot of friend requests lately asking for my SSG 08 and R8 Revolver in CS:GO with hilarious overpays, up to 150 keys for my SSG 08 skin and up to 20 keys for my Revolver skin. The SSG 08 skin normally goes for ~2 keys whereas the Revolver skin is literally less than 50 cents on the market.

    I decided to look up a few things:




    I simultaneously own, atleast in the StatTrak™ category, the best SSG 08 Abyss and the worst Crimson Web R8 Revolver. What the hell.

    For reference: Float basically means the "quality" of the weapon, whereas a very low number means it is more "new" and a very high number means it looks pretty bad/scratched in most cases, rarely does it only have a different color scheme. Hence why one weapon skin in a Field-Tested condition might look slightly different than the exact same skin in the same condition. Hidden values and all that stuff.

  7. PtELxxU.png

    Literally best game. I didn't expect Octarine Core on Venomancer to be so effective that you can endure quite a lot of damage while the DoT is active.

    In case you are wondering about those four divines, at least 3 of them were dropped by Ember.

  8. I literally started playing Dota 2 again after like half a year.

    Holy shit the amout of salt in pubs is insane. Oh, by the way, what is the current "average" MMR for players in general? I seem to be doing quite well with my unchanged ~4k rating. I recall the average being around 2.5k a year ago or so.
