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Everything posted by Britt

  1. I feel like writing a thesis about sleep would be really boring. I just went to the bathroom (YAY), which is where one of our cats is being kept at the moment because he's currently in liver failure. He throws up when he's nervous, and he hasn't been eating/drinking. But, we have an IV to give him and two different antibiotics. Long story short, I went to pee and he threw up foam, and then he threw up blood. yay. Fucking. yay. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE IM FILLING OUT AN APPLICATION TO BE A VOLUNTEER SMALL ANIMAL FRIEND. That's the title. "small animal friend." Welp.
  2. DOUBLE POST BECAUSE THIS IS INTERESTING AS FUCK. Can't wait til I cover sleep in Psychology. ..Can I major in the psychology of sleep? o.o I wonder.
  3. Guys, I just started. I haven't even gotten past what rigor mortis is.
  4. Okay, so things with Noah are pretty good. I got my physics class switched to forensics, so if you guys ever have questions about dead people.. Let me know. I was able to see my uncle last night, which was really nice. He lives in Colorado and he came out for something with his high school and NO ONE knew until there was a picture online with him in it. My grandmother had no idea, so we "bumped into him." at target and surprised him. It was a pretty cool moment. My grandmother almost cried.
  5. Noah was trying to come up with buttons the other day. Like "CLICK THIS AND THIS HAPPENS" (like, clicking eyes to dim the screen, and ears to mute it, and a scroll for a menu or whatever) and I couldn't come up with anything. I felt pathetic.
  6. Did anyone ever get stuck watching these as a kid?
  7. We used to call my dad's room "The Batcave." ha. BUt i thought acid reflux hurt?
  8. I'm still confused about how he knows about us?
  9. GUYS MY BURPS TASTE LIKE ACID AND I DONT KNOW WHY AM I GONNA DIE please know that i know that i am not going to die. im just confused as to why my burps taste like acid.
  10. "he said dick instead of dong." BANNED
  11. I cracked my knuckles and they still hurt. oh my god.
  12. You guys added me no problem, but fuck. (haha. buttfuck.) you guys already knew me, basically.
  13. GUYS. I feel crappy. My knee hurts. SOMEBODY HOLD ME, DAMMIT.
  15. He just told me that he's not trying to change me as a person, but he wants me to be more positive and wants to help me change a few habits. like oversharing things.
  16. Just saw something black moving on my arm, looked down and realized it was my tattoo.. My arm was moving because I was typing. WELP. On a different note - I have an official date with Noah on Wednesday. There's a few things I'm getting irritated with: He doesn't like the way I dress, or my "style". Which, I completely understand. Shopping at walmart/target is a lot different than shopping in the mall. However, my mother doesn't understand this. He wants me to send him a picture of what I'm wearing on Wednesday so he can match with it. He's been constantly asking me what I'm wearing and I just haven't figured it out yet. Actually, I just figured it out because I was able to find the dress I was looking for. He seems very upper class proper. I almost feel like I'm not good enough for him, which I mentioned to him and he said that he doesn't do "good enough". He has things that he's attracted to, and that's that. He doesn't measure his attraction on "good enough." I miss him really bad. It's weird waking up next to somebody for two days and then waking up alone. I just mentioned the whole "style" thing to him. Welp. We'll see where this goes.
  17. My spring break is whenever I feel like it. YAY BEING HOMESCHOOLED
  18. Britt

    The Toy Thread

    Not gonna lie, I saw "toy thread" and immediately thought dildos.
  19. Oh, believe me. I know. I'm waiting for him to realize he hates me. Noah's is in three weeks? I think. He's going to Rhode Island for a few days. New favorite insult.
  20. jdk;esagoheriaof;ejsiaof;hsrgu I'm currently like.. probably the happiest girl in the world. And I don't mind it. It's been a while.
  21. Same. Also since when is this a thing? What's it even do? DOUBLE POST BECAUSE FUCK RULES. It's a heart. It makes you love people. SO LOVE ME, GUY. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.
  22. Noah is in fact an art student. One of the things I love about him is that he strives to do his best, and he actually puts thought into what he does. Like, the thing that he's working on now is a logo for his friends website. He gave it personality. He actually did more than just making it swoosh around and pop out of nowhere.. or whatever. He actually made the thing like, look around, and tip over and.. You'd have to see it. When he has it rendered and shit, I'll post it. If he lets me. He's also super affectionate, which is something I've needed in a relationship. I was sorta half sleeping earlier, and he took a break from whatever he was doing and just crawled into bed and cuddled with me. I have a habit where I wrap my arms around someone while they're sitting at their computer, and put my head on theirs. I can't entirely do that with him, because there's no space behind his chair. So, i wrap my arms around him and lean on his shoulder. Sorta, hanging on him? And it actually shocks me that he doesn't mind it. I sat up this morning, around like four or something.. And he woke up almost instantly. He looked at me and he was like "Why are you way over there?" He's just all sorts of adorable, and I'm so afraid that I'm going to do something to mess it up.