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General DeGroot

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Posts posted by General DeGroot

  1. I had a dream where I had a caring gf.
    It fucked with me so hard I was depressed the whole day.
    EDIT: had a second one lads, stayed in bed an extra two hours this sunday morning

  2. as a demo-main-turned-pyro-main, I recently returned to TF2 to just play(for god's sake) and enjoy myself, and really, I think it's doing ok.
    Similar to my experiences in Tekken, there's weapons that just aren't very useful and could use reworks, but for the most part I'd say we've reached a fairly solid equilibrium.
    But maybe that's just because I play a class that doesn't require real aim outside of reflects and flares...

  3. 1 hour ago, Dr. Rynjinstein, MD said:

    You'll have to forgive any roughness/unrealism in the fighting. I don't have your expertise, and am just one of those people who likes kung fu movies and stuff. Any tips for improving on that aspect?

    Apart from pseudo-choreographing it irl, I'd search some sparring matches up online. For pure striking, do Karate and Kickboxing, for grappling do Judo and BJJ, and for a mix try Sambo and MMA. Kung Fu guys rarely spar as a rule.

  4. 4 hours ago, Dr. Rynjinstein, MD said:

    It's got martial arts, and stuff!

    fucking sold

    EDIT: Just gonna drop my thoughts from my first impressions as some chucklefuck with full-time employment as a sifu/whatever the hell my dojang's equivalent is
    1: Good idea using Kung Fu, namely five animals as your martial arts base - There's a lot of diversity in those combined arts which allows for a lot of freedom of explanation - Although I personally found it difficult to read my way through the initial combat scene. Maybe run it through with a friend while trying to keep a straight face.
    2: The concept of some esoteric psychonaut-fu that lacks the usage of Qi automatically puts you in my good graces and tactfully covers the Qi energy field bullshit side of martial arts rather well
    3: I have taught six-year-olds. The fact they managed to sit entirely silent for what in writing sounds like several hours is what most would consider a miracle. I need to learn this style of disciplinary action that hopefully doesn't involve a bamboo stick.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Raison d'être said:

    The best argument against the world being flat is that if it were flat there'd be a video of some Russian teen hanging off the edge of it.

    Unless the eastern bloc countries are at the center of the world. 
    Then it'd be some west coast pothead hanging off the edge of it.

  6. A lot of things. Good music, strong aesthetic, solidly based in its genre but unafraid to innovate, immersion, and most importantly, replayabilty.
    Assassin's Creed Black Flag was a strong AssCreed that innovated for its series, the music was pretty good, I love piracy and all it entails helped draw me in.  
    But fuck doing all those collectible shard missions. Haven't touched it since completion.

  7. 1 hour ago, Moby said:

    Is this like Counter Strike but you have to pay/grind for each weapon/class?

    Sorta like counter strike but with less Russians and better combat
    Camping and holding angles is the way of life and the games can get pretty intense especially when it's down to the wire
    if you buy the normal version you get all the stock operators and then there's like 20 operators you can grind for if you're interested in their unique gimmicks
    but honestly all the stock ops are really good and really they're all you theoretically need, with maybe the exception of Mira
    All the guns that come with each class are free tho which makes things easier and replay time on operators last longer
    The only real downsides are the sharp learning curve and the club-penguin-esque chat rules that can get you banned for saying mean words

  8. tumblr_pa7nh6BPc61s5c22lo1_500.png
    why can't we just have a fallout set in new orleans where the brotherhood control an irradiated Mississippi and are fighting a war against the non-brotherhood jazz ghoul people in the middle of a nuclear hurricane

  9. Okay, my thoughts on Fallout 76:

    Sincerely hope Bethesda learns from the issues Dark Souls 3's Co-op has. Amongst other things I've heard so far from our sweet little liar, you retain your skills when jumping into another person's game. So if you have something like a high-level Toughness or Mysterious Stranger Chance or Bloody Mess, and join a lower-level's party, you could really fuck some shit up. So what's stopping low-level gank squads?
    Also, the concept of a nuke that anyone can use on any settlement sounds fundamentally broken. If aforementioned gank squads stockpile enough of those, some serious shit could get fucked.
    Everything else seems okay about it though. Not many changes from 4, it seems.

  10. sort of a mix of deep philosophical thoughts, profound insights and shitposts. Either images or posts of some vaguely discernible drivel about life, the universe, or something in between that creates a deep feeling of Hmmm.
    I'll start:
     Maybe the reason EA is buying all these companies is so they can sell them to smaller companies in lootboxes.
