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Everything posted by MysticTheMeeM

  1. MysticTheMeeM

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Psychonauts goes VR goes PC Oh, and if anyone wants my 20% off coupon they can have it.
  2. MysticTheMeeM

    TF2 general

    It took me a few deaths to realise that the SC doesn't block huntsman arrows for some reason.
  3. MysticTheMeeM

    TF2 general

    Tf2 update
  4. switch (codestate) { default: if (codestate.neverMindISpokeTooSoon()) goto falseAlarm; tantrum(); break; case(errorFree): falseAlarm: doNotTrantrum(); break; } while(a) { while(b) { while(c) { if (condition) goto breakout; } } } breakout: //Something or another; ??
  5. Oh man. I forgot about that for so long.
  6. MysticTheMeeM

    Wallpapers based on TF2 achievement icons! [1920x1080]

    How come the bullet can curve but not the rocket?
  7. It's the little drop-down under the "banner" that selects the gamemode. It's a tiny little bar, i'll admit. Changes colour if you mouse over it.
  8. MysticTheMeeM

    SPUFPowered 2017 Secret Santa!

    I feel bad for whoever got me because I literally can't think of anything I want. So... surprise me with something I might not want and let's see how it goes..?
  9. MysticTheMeeM

    TF2 general

    Wasn't finished tho q.q
  10. MysticTheMeeM

    SPUFPowered 2017 Secret Santa!

    I would do it but I have 0 clue what people would want. and I don't want to be that guy...
  11. MysticTheMeeM

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Hush, don't let them know.
  12. MysticTheMeeM

    Net Neutrality guff

    America continues to try and set poor examples, the prequel.
  13. MysticTheMeeM

    TF2 general

    Australium FaN.
  14. I always wondered if people didn't like Riven as much because it was harder... I'd probably get stuck if I tried to play it again. E: Remember when they were going to make a film about Myst? Did I imagine that?
  15. Touche, but I'm fairly certain that the majority of people on the majority of drives use it for more than just read-only operations. Not saying you can't, just saying you probably won't.
  16. Too late to blame it on spoopyness q.q
  17. I'm confused... Why would you have a read-only drive? Why would NOT being read-only inhibit writing...
  18. MysticTheMeeM

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Called it: http://www.teamfortress.com/jungleinferno/pyro.php
  19. MysticTheMeeM

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    It sucks because I can imagine that dragon skin looking sweet on a medigun...
  20. MysticTheMeeM

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Nah, balance changes will be last day, tomorrow will be new weapons.
  21. MysticTheMeeM

    Jungle Inferno Update Thread

    Images seem to be loading now... (Anyone else see that freaky looking flamethrower pyro's holding?)