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Posts posted by ToasterToastin'

  1. Gotta love the random "hey, remember when you did this thing forever ago? hahaha what a terrible thing you did, you should feel bad about it for the rest of the day now" occurrences.


    In other news, I am currently spiraling into an anxiety-ridden mess as I try to muster the courage to call both my doctor (to maybe see about fixing my anxiousness) and my school counselor (because I am built of school failure and people are starting to catch on). Both are intertwined.

    This has not been a good morning.

  2. I'd be down for that, even though I'm absolutely terrible with Deathmatch.

    Maybe it's just playing against randos, but I'm finding more and more that I'm awful at shooters (probably why I play tank or healer, both of which seem niche at best and downright useless at worst for DM) so my K/D ratio was pretty bad. I mean, I wasn't last, but I wasn't far from being last. Didn't try Team DM because my first solo DM was so catastrophic, so it's entirely possible I'm just missing having a team.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Silent said:

    look at this naive little boy, backing the kickstarter of a game that would take 5 years to get a release date

    To be fair, it was only supposed to take 2 years and Kickstarter was still fairly new, so no one really expected the delays/abandonment issues everyone sees now. :p:

    7 minutes ago, Silent said:

    acts 1-5 are great, anything past that is not worth reading imo

    Yep, Act 6 was where interest waned for me. Interesting to see how universal this opinion seems to be.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Idiot Cube said:

    I'm still not sure whether I'll get it. I like the artstyle, but point-and-click games have never really appealed to me. Still, it's nice to know that it still exists, and even has a pretty-close release date.

    I wonder if my old Kickstarter copy will still be valid.

    I mean, I fell off the Homestuck wagon years ago - still haven't actually bothered reading/watching the ending, or most of... Act 6? 7? I can't even remember where I left off - but I'd be interested in at least trying it out.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    Part of why Deus Ex 1 is so good is that it includes every conspiracy theory it can think of, and makes the morality of most groups highly ambiguous.  The effect of this is that no matter what your preferred political leanings are or what your favorite conspiracy theory is, you can interpret the game as validating your beliefs.

    My conspiracy theory that old men are running the world (a new era) is validated!

  6. So, Bethesda's "Paid Mods, but we're gonna pretend the first attempt didn't fail" released today for Fallout 4. Past mods are ineligible for the compensation package, and Bethesda's ensuring cross-mod QA so they shouldn't conflict.

    That last point makes me laugh the hardest, since Bethesda is the one in charge of the QA.

  7. 13 hours ago, Medic said:

    Chances are they won't respond. And why should they? "So what if a bunch of people stuck ten years in the past are pissed off that they never got a sequel? We're racking in the cash by doing fuck all so who cares?"

    Yeah, I haven't quite figured out why people expect a response. Maybe, maybe Old Valve might have, but even then Valve's never been known to possess great communication skills. New Valve definitely won't, just like EA hasn't responded at all after being named "Worst Company Ever" a few times (above the likes of BP and several banks, no less). It's all user-generated rage, which means diddly. Money talks waaaay louder than complaints, and as much as we'd all like to delude ourselves that we have an input... we don't.

  8. Getting really tired of not having hot water in this house. I've mentioned it to my roommate/landlord a number of times but since it was during the summer he just kind of shrugged and said "it's summer." Now, however, the overnight heat has broken, especially these last couple of days, and a shower with no hot water is damn icy, even at 12 noon.

    I just went to try and fix it myself but the pilot light will not come on. I've darkened the room entirely (since his first answer when I asked about the pilot light's apparent disappearance was "it's just really hard to see") and there was indeed no pilot, so I tried restarting it to nothing. We have gas in the house - the gas stove lights with no issue - so it's not a supply issue.

    Problem is, I hate confrontation and quite honestly I'm terrified of him (and everyone in general) so I don't want to bring it up a fourth time. But I'm so tired of freezing my ass off and not feeling clean. :frown:

  9. Valve actually never finishing Ep.3 was supposed to be a joke, not something that actually comes true with a script release. Also, that song playing on /v/ is terribly synergistic with the news and the mood and it's awful.

    However, there is still good news to come out of this. Now that we have an official "unofficial" script from a close source, the modders (aka the Black Mesa team) can whip up their own version. A tiny, tiny sliver of silver lining on the bleakest of clouds.

    EDIT: I'm guessing the sloppy writing/misspelling is due to Marc getting absolutely toasted. Maybe an NDA expired, or someone still internal let him know his stuff was canned?

  10. On 8/20/2017 at 1:26 AM, Rynjin said:

    It looks cool but it really WASN'T marketed at all. I remember seeing the original trailer in what...2015? And then never heard anything about it again until this week.

    I only saw a trailer around E3, then totally forgot about it until this post. I can't even remember what was in the trailer beyond some anti-grav stuff.

    So that marketing strategy didn't really play well for them.

  11. 37 minutes ago, A 1970 Corvette said:

    Weirdly specific but I dreamed that I was at a buffet in one of the station casinos out here and I ran into Huff and my family sat right next to him. I think I scooched over to Huff's table and said something about how he can sit with me even though it'd be weird cuz I had my family with me, or something like that.

    Which Station? This is important.

  12. On 8/20/2017 at 3:06 PM, Moby said:

    Bioware wont make DLCs for Mass Effect Andromeda, so all cliff hangers will be left hanging.


    I'd bet this will be yet another franchise killed by EA after they rushed the developers and got a poor reception/sales.

    I'm actually really sad about this. Not sad that EA's already shitty reputation is further sullied, but that they managed to kill one of my favorite franchises.

  13. 7 hours ago, Gyokuyoutama said:

    Not because the reaction of the fanbase is any better, just because people don't really expect Valve to do anything worthwhile and so don't really care.

    Bad publicity is still publicity, so Valve can't even milk Artifact for vitriol-infused interest. That's a pretty big blow.

  14. 30 minutes ago, Moby said:

    Its a shame too, the body looks spot on, but its ruined by the generic shit heads.

    That's when you get creative and mold your own heads when they inevitably hit the bargain bin.

    Also I know I should hate them but I'm probably still gonna get the turret.

  15. I want to like the game, and I really do want to do better. But the only way to do that is to keep sucking and there's just no real gauge where you can say "oh hey, now I'm good" so the goal is nebulous as best, so it saps the fun out of it... even though I want it to be fun. Being anxious in general doesn't help. I lost interest in TF2 for pretty much the same reason, so I guess multiplayer games are just not my thing. At least it's mildly rewarding; I'm finding more and more that I mostly playing Overwatch for the loot boxes so... yay digital crack?

    Regarding the meta, I wonder how much different Overwatch would play if matches were 8v8. The maps seem large enough to support it, but I guess you'd also end up with 3 tank meta without downsides.
