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Everything posted by Gyokuyoutama

  1. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    You just can't appreciate fine humor based on recursive algorithms.
  2. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    This one's even better:
  3. Trump really is going to make anime real. But only "American Anime."
  4. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Reminds me of the time that Wizards realized that Homelands sucked and so forced all tournament decks to use cards from each legal format. This led to Serrated Arrows as getting a reputation as a card that used to be really good, but now isn't that great, due to it showing up in so many tournament decks. In truth, it was literally one of the few cards in the entire set that didn't completely suck (with Merchant Scroll being another notable outlier, astonishingly actually being good, but not everyone ran blue).
  5. Gyokuyoutama

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Why is this so entertaining?
  6. I know that this article is old, but it's great. Heaven and Hell Sabbath best Black Sabbath. We all know it's true.
  7. Gyokuyoutama

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    I want to poke fun at the Metallica album as indicating a noob metal taste, but there's a rainbow album above it so I can't.
  8. Gyokuyoutama

    Tell Your Raccoon Stories

    Back when I actually tried to get good at shooters, I tended to listen to eurobeat during matches. It did seem to significantly increase the number of things I killed.
  9. Gyokuyoutama

    Forum Update

    You get 40 points on a 6 bid. What a worthless suit.
  10. Gyokuyoutama

    Forum Update

    Spades < Clubs < Diamonds < Hearts
  11. Gyokuyoutama

    Anime General Discussion

    Why did I only just learn that Mine Yoshizaki was the concept artist for Kemono Friends. Is it because concept art never looks right in 3D.
  12. Gyokuyoutama

    Non-Magic CCGs

    Apparently the new shadowverse leaders are going to appear as legendary drops in the new expansion, and it will be impossible to either craft them or buy them (with either real or in-game currency). That seems like it was crafted as a way to optimally piss everyone off.
  13. Gyokuyoutama

    Forum Update

    Did Brain get unpersoned?
  14. Is the reason that the dreamcast went over so poorly in the US the fact that it was released on 9/9/99?
  15. Gyokuyoutama

    Ben has been kidnapped

    Do we need to play TF2 or something to save Huff? If so he's probably dead.
  16. Gyokuyoutama

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I want Wizards to reprint Jackal Pup. With the original art. Just to show how out of place in both respects it is in modern magic. Also the original jackal is pretty cute.
  17. Gyokuyoutama

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Seems weird to see opt with scry.
  18. Nearly two thirds of SPUF visits are from Finland. Discuss.
  19. Gyokuyoutama

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Did they actually release Aliciarone or did they just decide to say fuck it, this thing ain't get released soon, might as well mine our design documents for orange juice DLC?
  20. Sometimes I remember that dumb SPUF wiki and I feel kind of bad for being involved in something so pointless. But then I remember that it's just wikia, so pointless stupidity isn't really out of place.
  21. Gyokuyoutama

    Non-Magic CCGs

    To give you a better idea of how this specifically affects the game, consider Unseen Elder. He's a leader card, meaning that if you choose him as the leader for your deck you always get him in your opening hand, and so he's clearly meant to be built around. What does he do? He can kill three of your creatures to add their power to his own. In GWENT all that matters is the total power of your force, so all that you actually gain in power when you play him is his 5 base strength. Many grunt infantry type units with marginal abilities have strength of around 8, so that isn't very impressive. What benefit do you then gain from this? In the old days, the benefit was that all the strength is in Unseen Elder, who is gold and thus can't be targeted by most effects. The grunts that you ate might have been killed off by various effects, but Unseen Elder won't be. With the current rules you've basically done nothing but shoot yourself in the foot. They can just scorch to kill all the units with the highest power, which will be your Unseen Elder and almost certainly nothing else. Thus they not only get a huge swing in total strength, but they also 4 for 1'ed you and in GWENT card advantage is far more important than it usually is in card games. By removing the natural ability for Gold cards to have immunity to most effects, they turn an interesting leader into something completely useless. And that's just one small example among many.
  22. Gyokuyoutama

    Non-Magic CCGs

    I don't play a lot of GWENT, but even from my perspective it looks like the last update completely fucked up the game at a fundamental level. Basically you have bronze, silver and gold cards. There are restrictions on how many silver and gold cards you can have, and these are very important because there's no mana cost for cards so this prevents the most degenerate decks. Additionally, gold cards were immune to most card effects. In the last update they got rid of that mechanical property of gold cards; they now can be affected by anything as normal. What's ridiculous about this is that the game was clearly designed around gold cards having this property. For example, the mascot card Geralt was useful primarily because he was big and gold, meaning that once he was on the table it was hard to nullify him. There are plenty of cards that have as much of a numerical threat, but they could be damaged, bounced, stolen, etc. making them far less of an actual threat. You could even play Geralt and then play a board sweep, keeping your Geralt. And the same sorts of things applied to every gold card. On the flip side you can now pump your gold cards, which you couldn't previously, but in most cases this is not nearly as good as having immunity from opponent's effects. If anything I think that having the ability to use your own abilities on gold cards is most likely to lead to a degenerate bounce or reanimate interaction, which previously could be avoided without needing special text. There were even cards that had the effect of turning gold cards into silver cards. What is the purpose of those cards now that gold doesn't really mean anything outside of card limits on deck construction and in the text of a few random abilities? I'm trying to think of what a similar change would be in another game. I guess something that gets to the heart of how much this changes basic assumptions about how cards work and how much it changes balance would be if they made it so in Magic lands and artifacts had summoning sickness.