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Everything posted by Huff

  1. Huff

    What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME!!

    I just saw an episode the other day, so I only really have a snap judgement. Seems good, but not really my thing. Looks pretty well-made, and by the fanbase, it must be some kind of awesome.
  2. I'm slightly genre savvy, but I am in nowhere good enough condition to survive.
  3. Huff


    Yeah, I remember them. I was never into stuff that was even remotely creepy, but I used to flip through them every so often anyways. Smells like ninties.
  4. Huff


    I was also saying that we need a Hero of Space. We have Rammite for Time, but the rest of us are all Heart and Rage and shit. And all male.
  5. Huff


    Suggested to Silent that we all do some kind of Sburb roleplay.Y/N
  6. Huff

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    I used to like Bionilces, yeah. I still have a giant monster one that I made out of six seperate Bionicles lying around. They were neat, but I was never a toy person. Games and books were better.
  7. Huff


    Time to do another XD runthrough. Starting with an Espeon named Terezi.
  8. Huff


    Never liked Alex much. It was all about Clover and Sam for me.
  9. Huff


    Used to love Totally Spies./prettymuchinvitinghatenow
  10. Huff


    Sounds simply like a high attack power protector to me. Weaponized Papa Wolf mode?
  11. Huff


    Knight of Rage. Prospit dreamer. AT.Huh.
  12. Huff

    New Emoticon Suggestion thread.

    I just want a Rarity one. We don't have one and I've been asking for a while.The moving one is johnduh and the facepalm is rosefacepalm.
  13. Huff

    New Emoticon Suggestion thread.

    And can we please get one of these? Hosted on imgur, dunno what else to do.
  14. Huff

    I just unboxed my first unusual! :D

    Congrats! And good luck on getting through the hell of trading it if you do so.
  15. Huff

    da book nerd thread

    My heart will forever belong to the Swiss Family Robinson.
  16. Huff


    I think it's a love it or hate it thing.
  17. Anyone ever play these? Like Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, and Putt-Putt? They were great. My two favorites. Fun fact: the above Pajama Sam Game's music compser worked on Skyrim's music too.
  18. Huff

    Humongous Entertainment Games.

    Also, guys, happy Christmas.
  19. Huff

    SPUF Fortress

    It's funny because I barely post there. Some of the more active Pyro Subforum posters are a little miffed that I'm well-known as a Pyro on SPUF thanks to my ARG and contnual ranting rather than contributing to any serious Pyro discussions :rainbowlaugh:
  20. Huff

    Which DC Super Hero Is Gay?

    I truly believe White Green Lantern, but Aquaman automatically gets the vote.
  21. This wonderful and generous mann is giving away one item in his backpack to anyone who asks, as per the rules he's stated. Since MLM isn't enough to clear him out, he asked me to share this with you. He's a member here as "Designator", and you can find him in my friends list as "Wulff". This guy. This guy right here.
  22. Huff

    Custom skin dump!

    Others who use the Luna Dial! Best skin.I have a few miscellaneous pony skins ans some that are simply sexy, like the Kralle and Luna Dial, myself.
  23. Make sure you guys give Wulff compliments out the wazoo. He's a good guy. Even normally he's one of the best I know, not just when he's generositying up the place.
  24. I gave him that. Gifts no touchy. And yes, Silent, that is correct.
  25. Huff

    The Dictator

    Yeah I came in here expecting this.