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Everything posted by Huff

  1. Huff


    Last night I had a dream that Orpheusftw made an hour-long Skooks video. It was a good dream.
  2. Huff

    2015 Retrospective

    Not very good school experience. Dropped out for the second time but I got a job and held it for the summer so that isn't half bad.
  3. Huff


    i fucking love ketchup
  4. Huff


    Good to see you back matey, we were a bit worried about you.
  5. Huff


    I think you have to flirt with him in his fight.
  6. Huff


    A u t o c o r r e c t
  7. Huff


    Just woke up from two very vivid ones. In the first one, it started with me (or the person whose point of view I was sharing) and a friend escaping from a rural town with a very controlling government. Curfews, most entertainment banned, that kinda stuff. We managed to board a bus heading for the capitol, but when we were approaching it, we somehow entered a parallel reality where bad events made people happy and good events made them mad or sad. Being polite and friendly was still the norm, but people just did violent and destructive deeds normally. I and my friend tested this out at the train station we woke up in. I eventually got a job at a McDonald's as we were trapped, and the climax was where I couldn't take it any more, snapped, and threw children off of a high rooftop to a cheering crowd down below who paid them no mind as they splattered. Then there was an intermission where I played a version of Smash Bros where any character could use any loveseat and the stages were a fucking visual mess.Though one could use various styles for stages, like an N64 or Gameboy Color version of a Mario stage. Anyway, the next major scene involved me teaching an alien the basics of human existence. Like they knew absolutely nothing and saw everything we did as strange, unnecessary, or illogical. Had to explain to them how we preferred eating food three times a day instead of subsisting on a weekly diet of paper. They were very interested in words and their meanings so I'd constantly provide words for the concepts they wanted to express. They were also very confused about the concept of underwear. The only difference from this world and the real one was a system of geothermic-based train systems under the Earth's crust that people used to get around, and the lava was neon teal. It ended as I was becoming exasperated by my mom not being patient enough with the alien.
  8. Huff


    Game update. They switched to 2D. Honestly keep think it'll look nicer. The concept art is gorgeous and 2D will be more like it.
  9. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I own Pirate's Curse and RR and I really need to play them given how much I enjoy the characters.
  10. I got... Some new clothes, A Bluetooth speaker, a silly Japan coloring book and markers, an Amazon gift card that will probably be turned into smash WiiU, a few sweaters, and my mom passed her old iphone to me because she upgraded. Also got my yearly gift of handknitted woolen socks from my German aunt.
  11. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The rumors were true about Amiibo stocks here in yurop. Went to MediaMarkt today and they had a load of the good ones. Ill probably nab a WFT and Little Mac sometime.
  12. Huff

    Operation Posterboard

    In the meantime, clicking the date of the most recent post brings you to it.
  13. I got all four of mine out at once and didn't have to take a single painkiller in the recovery Git fucking gud
  14. There are four animals in this house right now. In addition to Tavish and my uncle's bitch cat, we have this fat fuck of a dachshund who is 13, shows no emotion aside from hunger, and just saddles her fat fucking body around all day. And we have this sweet cat who hid behind the tv stand while I looked for him for an hour. Help
  15. Huff

    Dota General

    I want a clown hero now
  16. Huff

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    I love those dumb chens
  17. Huff


    I just woke up from one. It involved something where a rich Hollywood mistress noticed me at a function and took me under her wing, deciding that I'd be the number one "between the ankles shot" actor in Hollywood. Eventually I and my agent realized that she and her protege actor were keeping minorities and poor people from entering Hollywood or being recogniZed in the business and we tried to escape. My agent turned out to be Samus Aran and we tried to sneak our way out of an awards ceremony to plot against her but she caught me trying to hide. She sicked the protege on me and I overpowered him by breaking his artifact of power which was just a piece of wood? Also Angelina Jolie played Samus.