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Everything posted by Huff

  1. Wow I haven't done this in a while sat down and made some progress
  2. Huff

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    Yo I fucking know right? The Planetarium is great. The visuals are beautiful and this track is 10/10.
  3. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  4. Huff

    Anime General Discussion

    Without any previous knowledge of Milky Holmes aside from ~40 hours of KOKORO-CHAN the movie was pretty great dumb fun. Very Teekyuesque.
  5. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The last TF2 comic is finally coming out this week.
  6. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I think I had the same issue. Search for the file name in google and its mentioned on the BoI Reddit, that'll get you what u need
  7. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm referencing the steak meme dude, Afterbirth+ is pretty shit some of the items and trinkets are cool but the application is extremely lazy
  8. Huff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  9. I think the best thing about 2016 is that the actual dates of the events of the Ace Attorney trilogy are finally happening so /v/ keeps doing roleplay happening threads on those days
  10. Huff


    extremely high quality:
  11. post trees/manoras/festivus poles/cryptic kwanzaa impliments
  12. Huff


    I think it's kinda cool how we see different countries' stands on omnic rights. America is very tolerant and equal opportunity, Britain has active violence and segregation, Numbani is actively focused on human-omnic relations, and Oasis shows that Iraq is of a similar level of advancement but with no omnic rights. its a really cool element of the world but it is indeed passed over for how major a part of the lore it is
  13. Huff


    Three days ago I had a dream where I moved out into my own home. It was hugely spacious and felt like an auditorium. anyway I leave for a day and a troupe of merchants, complete with tents and beasts of burden, have taken up residence in my foyer. I ask the leader to get his group out of my home, but he replies since it was empty when they found it, it is now their property. so I am now fed up and decide to just kill them all with a sword and board I have suddenly. Well in the middle of my fight I try to kill the leader but he won't die. I suddenly realize reality has rules like TES and he's Essential. I've ruined a quest I was supposedly doing by killing the merchants. I try to fix it by reloading an earlier save, but then I woke up. never should have come here
  14. Huff


    I liked those omnics a lot too. Shame that they're second class citizens.
  15. Huff


    im ok with it also because it means Mercy or Pharah could still hypothetically want to kiss me
  16. Huff


    oh yeah you're right there's no way Lucio isn't gay or bi or something
  17. Huff


    I expected Hanzo or McRee to be the gay reveal but Tracer makes sense and now her having a gf kills the shit Widow/Tracer pairing. Also holy fuck Torb is virile
  18. It's scary how good a shot the whole thing was recorded as. Like the camera zoomed out and everything. i mean it's scary someone got assassinated but you get what I mean
  19. Truck plowed into a Christmas market in Berlin a little while ago too. So far 9 dead 50+ injured. lil scared. I guess Strasbourg had the right idea condoning off roads, searching everyone, and having packs of armed guards.
  20. Huff


    nope, you're thinking of Gen2 -> Gen3 where they totally revamped the Pokemon data system. gen 3 mons can be transferred to gen 4's Pal Patk with a DS/DS Lite. BWB2W2 mons can be one way transferred to gen 6 for free with Pokebank and Poketransporter.
  21. Huff


    Lillie was ok. Probably my least favorite main character tho, even under Hau. She just got annoying later in the game. I liked Gladion a lot tho
  22. Ok you're actually making me more than a tad self-conscious man