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Posts posted by Nitzan

  1. Fine, I'll try.


    Market Gardening, Flatbread-ish Substance

    Signature weapon: Market Gardener

    Signature hat: Chieftain's Challenge and SSFSS



    Annoying TF2 Couple: Huff comes to my aid, and we start spreading :heart:'s and love talk, which makes everyone rage and they turn gay.

    Gardening of the Markets: Rocket jumps up in the air, and dives down towards my opponent with my Gardener drawn. Delivers a powerful hit on arrival.

    Flarejockey Transformation: I transform into a Flarejockey Pyro and starts killing people I dunnolol.

    Final REP Smash: Combines the two ancient griefing artifacts, the Kritzpiss Machine and Handle, to create a powerful weapon that insta-kills opponents, and makes you immune to almost every damage form. Can only be stopped by Soldiers who rockets jumps up to you, AND BLOWS YOU INTO ♥♥♥♥ING PIECES WHICH RUINS ALL THE ♥♥♥♥ING FUN.

  2. Hey Huff, Silent, Nitz, Mono (Wherever you're lurking)We should all have a pillow fight together.

    My brain everytime I hear the word "pillow fight"

