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Posts posted by Nitzan

  1. When your carry is telling you not to fight without him, don't ♥♥♥♥ing do it. It's really not a difficult concept. Is Enchantress actually a viable carry? Because I wasn't fed or anything, I just did more right click damage than anyone else on our team, including a Slithice. Something like 600 pure damage per right click hurts quite bad. It's like an OD that isn't quite so dependent on his orb since she can be useful without it.

    She can transition into a semi-carry, but only because of the insane pure damage. She still is a support though, and her strength base and gain is a joke. Might just be me, but I sorta feel like she falls off a bit late-game without a scepter.

  2. We had a game where I got Lone Druid. Game starts, nothing to worry about, but we start getting killed a bit too often and at least two teammates are like "this is over, we're going to lose." So I get a Hand of Midas. Forty minutes later, I ate their barracks and we killed the ancient. FUCK YOUR PESSIMISM

    To be fair, they had a really big early-midgame advantage. I think it was because we won that one team fight at Rosh's pit, giving us room to push.

  3. Tell me, if I'm playing Magnus, and our Kunkka gets caught out and is running from 5 enemies with little success, am I really supposed to jump in and use my ult? Just to start a 2v5 fight we can't win? That team bitched at me for EVERYTHING. They blamed me for the loss completely because every little thing I did was wrong because I didn't spend all my time babysitting them as they acted stupid. I actually ♥♥♥♥ing caught 4/5 enemies in a RP and they bitched at me for "not hitting my ult". I admit I wasn't perfect that game but it was fucking Least Played mode, they expect me to know the hero perfectly. What the fuck.

    Just mute them and continue your game, nothing more to it, really. Some people just want to spend their game bitching, making the game less enjoyable for not only you but for themselves as well.

  4. If you're not hard-support in the safe lane then sure it is, just Rune priority nearly always goes to your mid if they choose to go Bottle.

    Broodmother or Beastmaster?

    Thanks. And sorry, I'm talking about Beastmaster.