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Everything posted by Rynjin

  1. Rynjin


    I think you can transfer Black/White to X/Y or ORAS and then into Sun and Moon. That's how it's worked for most gens, anyway. I think the only solid break was from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald to Diamond and Pearl, since the tech was completely incompatible.
  2. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Even if the game somehow turns out to be garbage (cross fingers knock on wood I hope it's great) it might be worth getting just for Grant Kirkhope.
  3. So we let one of our neighbors watch our cats recently and she gave us her business card. "Joy (Middle Initial) [Last Name]. APP ® (Angelic Pathway Proces Practitioner) (Address) Angel Card Consultant Integrated Energy Therapist Certified Fairyologist Master/Teacher (Phone/Email/Website)" Someone explain
  4. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I remember everyone who played it loving Bullet Storm but it was one of those games that kinda slipped through the cracks the year it came out (kind of like Sleeping Dogs).
  5. Rynjin


    Had a dream that I think had some other context around it but the only thing I remember i that at one point I casually pulled something out of my phone. Had to leave my phone behind (think I was getting a new one) and for some reason opened up a game I play and said "Wait, let me get this out of there first, I might need this" and pulled a cute little monster from it out. Then I bopped myself on the head because I realized I could transfer data and just as casually popped it back in there.
  6. Seems like a decent explanation, yeah. And before Caveson comes in, no he was not saying the same thing as Crowder. Crowder's argument is insulting people pushed them towards Trump. This guy's is that the Democratic campaign and supporters spent too much time throwing those insults and did nothing to draw them towards Clinton. So given a choice between a candidate that had no policies, and a candidate with bumfuck stupid policies, the latter was at least a bit more clear about what he wanted to do. That I can agree with.
  7. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I haven't got through world 1 yet but I'm really liking all the new stuff so far. The robot suit doesn't feel like it takes away from the game as much as the super attack thingies in Return to Dreamland did, and the Circus power and Dr. Mario suit are fun.
  8. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Kirby: Planet Robobot is about as adorable and fun as you'd expect.
  9. Case was dropped last Friday, so no courts. All this stuff is tangential to the point here. It doesn't really matter how many "isms" he has, the real issue is he has no political experience OR knowledge on policy and whatnot. Couple that with his primary personality traits (a huge ego, and a love for high risk/high reward gambling) and we are in for some shit if he gets his way even 20% of the time. And Krazsu, the scenario is a bit different here. For one, we ARE under surveillance already. And the party that likes to push those draconian security measures is in power right now. Not just the presidency, but EVERY BRANCH of the federal government. They don't always agree on everything, but it's a lot easier to get each of those individual branches to agree on passing something now. This doesn't just affect the US, because you bet your ass whatever the next iteration of SOPA/PIPA is will be coming down the pipeline soon. And it might have an easier time making it through this time.
  10. On a lighter note, most churches I've been to are very nice people too. They won't openly attack you, even verbally. The problem isn't going to be you getting jumped down the street, it's going to be a vast slowing or halt (or, worst case scenario, reversal) of any rights you've accumulated over the last decade. Bright side, some are entrenched enough they're going to be hard to roll back. Downside, Republicans control or will control pretty much everything government-wise, and they have 4 years at a minimum to work on it.
  11. He said come at him, I obliged. If he has a problem with it he can go ahead and respond himself. Given the video that he says "summarizes his thoughts" he's a hypocrite if he does, but he can feel free. That is the only post I've made properly venting on the subject and of the people I even kind of know he's the best target. My dad and grandparents are fucking stupid too but they've at least always been honest about being racist redneck bastards, so they have the leg up in honesty.
  12. Caveson, your thoughts are frankly fucking stupid. If you think Trump gives half a flying fuck about small businesses and the "common man", you haven't been paying attention to his entire career as a businessman. There's a fun documentary that illustrates this I can't remember the name of. You can probably find it by googling "Trump fucks Scotland" or something similar. Edit: in fact, I did it for you. The name of the documentary is "You've Been Trumped". And yes, that plus the word documentary is what I typed into google. And if you're saying saying shit like "I'm not transphobic" while using phrases like "Some fucking tranny", you're either hilariously unself-aware or lying. That whole rant is based on misinformation and deflecting based on that same old bullshit "Well I would have voted for someone else but you called me a racist so..." line. No, you wouldn't have, you fucking liar, you voted the exact same way you were ALWAYS going to vote and crying that somebody hurt your widdle feelings by calling you a racist just makes you look like a spiteful god damned pansy. Just own up to the fact that you voted for the man because he pandered to your crowd and you liked what you heard, because there's no way you ACTUALLY BELIEVE his "I'm anti-establishment for the people" tripe unless you have deliberately avoided learning ANYTHING about the man and how he operates. There's very little chance he's the next coming of Hitler but the BEST case scenario is he's an ineffectual buffoon who parades around with Pence's hand up his ass for the next 4-8 years, and all the informed voters who swung his way are in the know on that. If you actually bought into the rhetoric, I'm sad for you but you had a long ass time to educate yourself and claiming you voted for him just because other people said bad things about him or you makes you look like a fucking idiot.
  13. Race related crime has already significantly increased. Even if it doesn't get worse (doubtful) do you really think Trump is going to work to make it any better? Or is he going to open his dumb ass mouth at every opportunity and fan the flames, intentionally or not? His first presidential address is probably going to be a nightmare. Because he's already proven he's incapable of just reading a prepared speech off of cards.
  14. I wasn't but I had to send an absentee ballot so who knows whether it ended up in a trashcan or not.
  15. Gary Fucking Johnson spoiled Florida about like I thought he would.
  16. Why did Vine exist in the first place? "It's not real, therefore it's OK; this is the amoral substructure of gaming culture." It's almost like fake things aren't real Seriously I remember people playing grabass in all sorts of games. Borderlands was a big one. Nobody complained then, why the fuck is this any different?
  17. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Holy shit, I've been saying I want this for years but I didn't think they'd actually DO IT!
  18. Dunno. Looks like this is out of context from some other remark he made in a different e-mail, maybe that one will get leaked at some point. Could mean anything from Illuminati brainwashing to a general admission that "we" as a nation have been too complacent about how those kinds of courses are being trimmed down to nothing, and it's coming down to bite us (them) in the ass now.
  19. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Started to muddle my way through Dark Souls 2 again, this time without co-op. It is both easier and harder than I remember. I think my friend just wasn't very good because he kept steering me away from certain areas and enemies I'm not having trouble with now. On the flipside, the Pursuer was a lot harder without ballista-ing the fuck out of him.
  20. Rynjin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    The crying eagle slays me
  21. Rynjin

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Can anyone who follows behind the scenes music stuff tell me what spiritual epiphany the lead singer of Disturbed had that has resulted in all this relatively upbeat happy music? Man seems like all the angry white boy rage has disappeared entirely and the new songs are pretty good.
  23. Rynjin

    share your worst jokes

    Is it too late for me to say Verumae?