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Everything posted by Rynjin

  1. Rynjin

    Anime General Discussion

    Are they hopping on galaxies and using them as frisbees yet?
  2. Don't really have the time to reply to all of it (and some of it I agree-ish with) so I'll touch on some random stuff. What is American culture if not a hodgepodge of different cultures? A lot of the most quintessentially American things are fusions of other cultures (Creole a mix of native, French, black slave, and European culture, southern soul food being almost entirely a slave invention, hot dogs, one of THE big American foods are pretty much entirely a German creation, rock music taking 'slave' beats and mixing it with a country style etc.). Yes, a lot of these are European influenced things...but they are VERY different cultures we're blending together to make our own. That a lot of it is European doesn't really matter in the grand scheme, to my eyes because it's all going to get torn apart and re-blended into something that works for the western world regardless of its origin. It's interesting you mention Japan, because a lot of what made them who they are today is a cultural (though not racial) blending. They wouldn't even know advanced math if it weren't for the Dutch, for example. You seem to be way focused on actual breeding for some reason rather than an exchange of ideas. Color isn't diversity, different thoughts are. And people from different places tend to have slightly different thoughts. And it's not a matter of "need". It's going to happen, unless you want us to completely close our borders to everyone and everything (trade and all), which I don't think you're suggesting. As for the state being powerful enough to keep a handle on things...weren't you also just complaining about big government having too much power? Or was that Caveson?
  3. Rynjin

    Anime General Discussion

    Only technically.
  4. Can you give me a coherent answer on why, exactly, diversity is a bad thing that will lead to a collapse of society? The opposite is true, historically. Cultural diversity breeds progress through cooperation AND conflict. it's a win-win. Homogeneity leads to stagnation (and at extreme ends of the spectrum, Caligula). (And 85-90% White before 1965 is technically correct, but doesn't address "Second Class White" status like Irish and so on, so even then "White English Protestant" is probably a good deal lower) As for why now is an "exception"? It isn't...but it's not the same scenario. There is no clear dividing line, because of the aforementioned diversity. There's no line in the sand that half the country is going to draw and the other half encroach on. Wars require organized participants, which there are not, here. Worst case scenario is complete anarchy...but that would require the majority of the country to be drawn in every direction, and also pissed off simultaneously. As-is, apathy is our great savior. Over half the country doesn't particularly give a shit about a lot of these divisive issues, so a massive collapse is improbable, and a civil war impossible.
  5. God I hate the fucking quote system on this site. "The 13th Amendment? Well yes it is quite easy to force your will on your opponents after you have literally killed half their fighting age men. What was the South to do when the amendment passed in 1865? It was utterly defeated, and the conqueror's will imposed on the conquered. Prohibition did cause an astronomical increase in crime and disorder, so I'm not sure what your point is there. It was caused by a line in the Constitution, and it was solved by simply nullifying that line. What simple, quick, and popular constitutional amendment will save us now? " You're missing the point. There were doomsayers just like you every time something like this happened. "Oh you're upturning the American way of life. Oh this law will tear us apart." And yet the country still stands, and people move on. " We do not worship the same god, we are an increasingly ethnically diverse society, we do not see eye-to-eye on major issues " When was this EVER different? The country was founded by Deists and Protestants working in tandem, and schisms have just gotten wider from there. Since we incorporated everything in NA but Canada into ourselves we've been a hodgepodge of leftover French and Spanish settlers, plus the English descended founders, Irish and Chinese laborers, and black slaves/former slaves, with a scattering of the Native people lending their own culture and mixing it in. Creole didn't come from nothing. What major issues has everyone in the country EVER agreed on? Right back to the start there was a large faction that didn't want to be an independent country in the first place. The Civil War happening in the first place is proof enough that the "major issues" differ from region to region for people to come to blows about it. The fact that every vote isn't a unanimous pick on throughout our history proves you wrong there pretty handily. You're just looking at everything through rose tinted goggles at a past that never existed, but seems like it did because it's been whitewashed and watered down into a Leave it to Beaver paradise (do a little research, the 50's weren't as carefree and fully united as you seem to think they were) . The things you're pointing at that will tear us apart are things we've already weathered a dozen times before as a country. Debt? That's been an issue since the fucking Washington presidency. There has been no administration since that has significantly lowered the national debt (because it's a fool's errand, mostly. Economists tend to agree pretty strongly on this, that "balancing the budget" is a pointless effort). Presidential mandates have always been built into the system, and have been used frequently by any president who has actually accomplished something they want to do. Social changes and civil rights pushes have been there almost from the start. 200+ years of the same ol' shit and you're saying it will suddenly tear us apart now? That's not being a pessimist, that's being uninformed.
  6. Outside of wartime, has this country ever been as united as you seem to think it was? Our entire history floats from war to major cultural shift to war and back and forth ad nauseam every 20 years or so. Even a history book will tell you that much. You think there weren't a thousand melodramatic people screaming about the end of this country in the lead up to the 13th amendment? 19th? We know exactly what happened then. And even with seemingly smaller stuff. We all know EXACTLY what happened with Prohibition. Somehow I think the country's going to hold it together over people throwing a hissy about what stall someone can use in the bathroom, and even issues of police brutality (which, regardless of your opinion on how frequently or how much more frequently it happens between races, DEFINITELY happens a lot more often than we should be comfortable with).
  7. Rynjin


    I can totally see some hilarious Baton Pass shenanigans going on with that, yeah.
  8. Rynjin


    Super Saiyan Eevee is the best possible thing. The cute Pikachu dance was cool too. Only disappointing thing is I'm obligated to get Moon because my brother's getting Sun and the Sun exclusives look a lot cooler. He better trade me.
  9. That's good to hear. Stuff like this can come out of nowhere and end up a lot worse, I know.
  10. The guy's almost 50, and the game takes place in 2004, so the "average grandpa" options might be better since he started service in '79.
  11. Waffled on putting this in the TRPG Corner or here, but figured I'd get a better answer here. Say you're a retired FBI agent. You want a good, reliable handgun, relatively easy to conceal in a jacket. You have $5000 to spend. What kind of gun do you buy? Likewise, what kind of rifle would you have if shooting was one of your main hobbies, and you used to be a military sharpshooter? (Mind you I need that $5k for other things too, but car's covered and I don't think we're worrying about rent, so guns and ammo is a biggie here.)
  12. Getting close to having to cut FB ties with one of my high school friends because she's turned into some unholy amalgam of ultra-conservative and SJW. How the fuck these two ideals co-exist inside her head I'll never know but with one breath she'll post stuff like "what to do if you see Islamaphobia" and with tags like "#vaginazone #crush thepatriarchy" and the other posts shit like this #trump2016. How
  13. Rynjin


    I can 100% guarantee there's already furry anthro fanart of that Pokemon.
  14. Rynjin

    Anime General Discussion

    Finally got around to watching the first episode of Asura's Wrath. It was pretty good, I think I'll continue watching.
  15. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I want someone to tell me WHO THE FUCK decided Ice Cream Beat should be necessary to progress in Birth By Sleep so I can FUCKING STRANGLE THEM. How the hell did that design meeting go? "Oh I know let's make a shitty rhythm game set to It's A Small World required to beat Ventus' story, AND YOU HAVE TO GET A PERFECT SCORE!" "Genius!"
  16. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I still haven't seen any way 10 is a downgrade to 8. 7, maybe, but not 8.
  17. Rynjin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Guys Best part of Halo (in this case 5) on PC For free
  18. It is, but it's bad if white people do it because white people don't have a culture, they just steal from everyone else
  19. Rynjin

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    I'd like to play it with somebody. Need some schedule syncing to happen though.
  20. People fucking baffle me sometimes. So this guy comes in yesterday and he's like "Day off after a week of hard labor, figured I'd come to the mall". says he's looking for a gift for his daughter, I tell him I can help him narrow it down a bit, he basically blows me off. Whatever, it happens. So he mentions he's a mechanic, and eventually works his way around to one of the really hard mechanical puzzles we have, I explain the deal and he's like "It amazes me people can do these but don't know how to fix their own car". Of course my automatic response is "Yep, people have different skill sets" And he's like "No, it's the same skill set, they'd just rather sit on their ass playing with a puzzle instead of taking the time to take apart their car and learn how it works" Then, with no hint of irony: "Anyway I got to go, I have an appointment at the Apple Store to fix my phone."
  21. Rynjin

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Sweeeeeeeet. I've been waiting to get it until it went on a big sale and yep 92% off is good enough for me.
  22. Rynjin

    I want an extremely expensive computer.

    I don't know much about Dell computers but you also might want to keep in mind that software can be EXPENSIVE so maybe set aside some of that for necessary stuff you can't or don't want to yohoho.