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Everything posted by Rynjin

  1. Rynjin

    Super SPUF Fighter

    I look like Jet Li. Crossed with Raiden. Wearing Deus Specs.My weapon? MY FISTS. And claws. MADE OF LIGHTNING. If it has to be something from TF2, then I use Kunais. Ten of 'em. With lightning.Special abilities:♥♥♥♥ING LIGHTNING BOLTS: Exactly what it says on the tin. I can shoot lightning bolts at people.Stun: I can hit people and shock them for a short term stun.FINAL REP SMASH: I turn into a giant Dragon (pictured below) and summon a Tsunami. With lightning.I want to play this game so hard. My joystick is readyyyy.
  2. That was pretteh cool.I'm still in the process of figuring out which symbol you have to put in your name to make it blank.It looks like a flag, kind of, but I can't find it.
  3. Rynjin

    srsppl get srspunishments - But how Srs?

    I've done at least 800 before.10 ain't the limit.
  4. Rynjin

    SPUF Highlander Thread

    Free any time before ~7 tomorrow.
  5. Rynjin

    US Navy makes railgun prototype

    HEY! I actually know what you're talking about for once.The only Warhammer 40k thing I've ever played was Fire Warrior for the PS2.
  6. Rynjin

    SPUF Highlander Thread

    Shiiieeeet, Turbine?This is either going to be awesome, or it's gonna suck hard.
  7. Rynjin

    US Navy makes railgun prototype

    We've had railgun technology for a while now.The problem is getting the battery pack small enough and yet still powerful enough to run the elctromagnets for a handheld version.We have plasma throwing technology too, but again, we can't make the electromagnetic field strong enough for it to maintain integrity. How else would we determine which country had the biggest penis?
  8. Rynjin

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    I dunno.Maybe it should be Skeleton Driver instead.Hurrrrrrrrr
  9. Rynjin

    When trading terminologies and hat terminologies collide

    Yes.So much perfect.
  10. Rynjin

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    HahahaThis makes me glad I just borrowed the other two from a friend.And plan to do the same for this one too a few months from now.
  11. Rynjin

    Teddster's making a story.

    I actually just did a google search for Dr. Enforcicle because I'm a vain bastard and wanted to see if my name had caught on outside of SPUF.It's like the 6th or 7th result.Also, that game is fucking messed up.
  12. Seems like it might turn out nice.WHY it's on the Wizardry forums, I dunno.http://www.wizard101central.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267016
  13. Rynjin

    SPUF Highlander Thread

    :thumbsdown:Well that sucks.
  14. Rynjin

    SPUF Highlander Thread

    Mmmkay fellas gimme all the juicy details.All I heard from Celebi was that he tried to contact me while I was eating steak, you guys were playing 6 v 9, and you got stomped.SAY IT AIN'T SO!
  15. Rynjin

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Hey, I could have been a real dick about it and hidden the link in some words. As is, you KNEW what you were getting into when you clicked. :)
  16. Rynjin

    srsppl get srspunishments - But how Srs?

    Also, don't be afraid to BONK! a team if things get out of hand.
  17. Rynjin

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

  18. Rynjin

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Holy shit, that is actually fairly close to the reasoning I came up with for your name on my own.
  19. Rynjin

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    ♥♥♥♥ that game with a rusty spoon. Bioware must have had a seizure and forgot that they were creating the sequel to one of the BEST GAMES I'VE EVER PLAYED with that...THING. But I like to think DE:HR makes up for DE2. I like HR anyway. But I like ME1 AND 2, and as far as EA published stuff goes, I enjoy BF3 as well, and BC2 was one of my favorite mutiplayer shooters until they nerfed shotgun slugs into uselessness and let the hackers take over the game.
  20. Rynjin

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Damn straight.First time I found TvTropes I went there every day for three months in all my spare time I wasn't using to play games.And since I never did homework in high school that was a lot of free time.
  21. Rynjin

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    It's assumed that he's talking about how everything PUBLISHED by EA is terrible too.Obviously this is false. EA hasn't released an actual game made by them in YEARS if I remember right. Not even sports games are made by them any more.
  22. Rynjin

    Mass Effect 3 in a Nutshell.

    Your argument is now invalid.
  23. Rynjin

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Exactly as planned.
  24. Rynjin

    The How-you-got-your-name Thread

    Don't worry, as creative as I make myself sound, I generally cycle between three names for RPG characters (Generally Rynjin for mages Sundavar or Malix for Assassins/Thieves, and Artur or Mikael for Warriors)And Buff McLargeHuge is pretty sweet by the way.If you want more in that style, search these pages.http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AwesomeMcCoolnamehttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LukeNounverber